"Hey guys!" A very chipper Colin slid over next to us.

"Hi Colin." I smiled at him. "How are doing?"

"I'm great. The quidditch match was wicked. I can't wait to write my dad and brother about it. I was actually going to visit Harry Potter! He was injured and I want to make sure he has something to eat." Colin said excitedly, he held up some grapes. "Do you want to come?"

"No, I think I'm going to go back to common room early. I feel like turning in early." I politely declined. Ginny nodded her head

"Don't get caught Colin." Ginny advised.

Gin and I waved to Anya and I motioned that we heading to bed. She nodded her head and turned back to her conversation with Astoria. When we got to the common room Ginny immediately headed for her room, she said she wasn't feeling to well. I wished her goodnight and climbed into bed. It felt like just a few hours ago I was in this bed tossing restlessly. Looks like I had nothing to worry about.

I woke up last the next morning, no one was in the common room and breakfast was already over. With it being Sunday I was headed to the alcove hoping Anya and Ginny were there. entering the alcove, I saw Ginny silently crying and Anya sitting next to her, looking extremely pale. Anya looked up and we locked eyes, "Colin Creevey was attacked last night on the way to see Harry." she said gravely. "He's petrified like Mrs. Norris."

"What?" I screeched, shock overtook me and I sat next to Ginny. "But we just saw him-we- we." I said, my voice shaking. A sudden rush of anger shot through me, "Gah!" I said as I bolted up. "We should've walked with him, he's only a small thing! We- I should been there to protect him or- or"

"And what? You'd be lying next to him?! There is nothing you could've done. We just need to stay together and hope that the Professors catch whose doing this and gets RID of them." Anya said, moving to comfort me. Ginny let a sob out, sprang up from her seat and ran away.

"I'll go." I nodded to Anya who sat down on the bench worrying about what the future will bring.


"Gin!" I exclaimed as I had finally found her, an hour after she had run off. She was sitting outside under a big oak tree. I sat next to her and waited for her to speak.

"I-I" She shook her head and closed her mouth.

"Gin- you can tell me anything. I'll always be here for you, I can help." I wrapped my arm around her and with other hand played with her short red hair. She burst into tears and buried her face in my stomach.

After crying for awhile she slowly sat up and wiped away her tears. "I got a Diary this summer, I thought my parents had gotten it for me. Now I don't think they did. I-it talks back." She went on to explain more after seeing my confused face. "When I write something a person, Tom, writes back. He used to go here a long time ago and created the diary to preserve his time here. I think- I-He," She started sniffling. "He's making me attack them," Before I could say anything, or comprehend anything she continued, "The more I write in the Diary, the more I feel drained. I keep blacking out and waking up and random places. This first time I woke up, was on Halloween, a few floors up from the first attack. I was covered in blood."

She pulled up this old worn Diary and handed it to me. I opened it up and there was no writing in it. The book had T. M. Riddle inscribed in it. Ginny explained how the ink vanished, he would write back, and his words would vanish too.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I looked at her, betrayal on my face. Did she not trust me?

"At first, I didn't want you to go running to one of the Professors or try to get all my secrets out of Tom and use them against me. Once I got to know you more and learned what the Diary was capable of I didn't want you to get hurt also." She cried. I stroked her head and smiled faintly at her.

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