A Soft Kiss On the Neck

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     I nervously sat as we watched the movie. I stood up.

     "I have to go to the bathroom. You guys keep watching." I went up the stairs to my room and into my connected bathroom. I sighed as I stood there looking in the mirror. "Why can't I just tell him?!" I yelled at myself.

     "Tell him what?" I heard Aaron's voice from the other side of my door. I turned red.

     "A-Aaron!" I squealed.


     "O-One second," I heard my voice crack. 

     "Ok," He said with a chuckle. I washed my hands to sound like I didn't just scream at myself. I opened the door and Aaron stood leaning against a wall. 

     "What are you doing in here?" I nervously walked over to him.

     "I wanted to check on you. After what happened earlier I wanted to make sure you were alright. You make me happy and I don't wanna see you upset. You mean a lot more to me than you know. It hurts me how you were a crying mess earlier and now you are acting as if nothing is wrong. Come here." He walked over and hugged me tightly. I gripped him back. I stood in his arms when I felt something light and warm on my neck.

     D-Did he just k-kiss my neck?!

     "A-Aaron." I blushed and looked up at him.

     "Aphmau! I'm so sorry!" He turned bright red. I'm sure I was even redder.

     "N-No, it's ok. I- Uh... K-Kinda enjoyed it..." 

     "Really?" He glanced down.

     "Mhmm." I pulled myself into his arms. He picked me up and held me up. My cheeks turned to a crimson red. 

     "You look so sexy." He held me against the wall.

     "A-Aaron..." I couldn't hide how much I wanted him. I kissed him. He chuckled and kissed me back. I melted into his touch. His strong hands were pressed against my waist. It was amazing. The way he kissed me just made me so happy. I want to marry this man.

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