Stars (Bandaid/Tsumioda)

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"Miki, when Ibuki isn't here anymore, what will happen?"
"W-well your body w-will de-"
"No no, Ibuki means... what will happen to her. Will I be an amazing rockstar ghost or what?"
The nurse couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the musician's adorably wild imagination. "I... don't know but I know I'll m-miss you a lot..." She said in a more somber and serious tone, sniffling softly at the thought of a world without Ibuki.
The sniffle made Ibuki worry so she quickly held the girl in her lap closer, slowly rocking the two of them back and forth to calm Mikan down. "If Ibuki is gonna be a ghost rockstar, then she'll need her amazing Miki there with her too! Plus, I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that I'm staying right by your side no matter what." Pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek, Ibuki offered her a smile. Her teary purple eyes didn't hold any sadness now, only happiness from her amazingly loyal girlfriend.
"Thank you, Iboo. I d-don't want you t-to go anywhere w-without me..."
"You don't have to."

Resting her gloved hand over the soft pale one, Ibuki gave her a gentle smile. One that held love, loyalty, compassion, and care. The night sky above them was so clear and bright as the fireflys twinkled around them with their little blinks. Catching one with a free hand and showing it to Mikan, Ibuki closed her eyes. Thinking before opening her hand and gently blowing on the creature so it would fly away.
"W-what did you wish for?"
"A million more nights under the stars with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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