Death's Mistress - Chapter Four

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Ello :]

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Chapter 4

Johanna (aka Jo’s) P.O.V

Standing in the dark chilly parking lot of our school, having just heard Amelia passionately lose her shit at Darren, I finally got why G had been acting so withdrawn all week. I had sensed that something was up when Amelia started getting agro for no particular reason, but thought nothing of it, she has always been a bit of a spaz and I figured it was nothing new. But when G started getting weird too, I presumed it had something to do with her overly pompous douche of a boyfriend Darren but I never thought he could do this.

‘Crap, this is not going to end well’ I thought as I saw Amelia lose her cool and menacingly approach Darren. 

‘Why is he so terrified of her?’ I wondered noticing the fear in his eyes.  

’It’s coming out’ I mentally exclaimed as his fear stricken eyes turned an evil black, now glued to Amelia in awe, I hastily tried to comprehend what I had just seen. 

“Wow that was new! I’ve never seen one of us use that power before’ I mentally gasped, momentarily forgetting what this meant for Darren. 

As my attention drifted back to Darren’s hopelessly empty expression I guessed what would likely be the outcome of this confrontation. I instantly ran through what I could do to stop it and was about to act when their words ran through my head. ‘No matter what, you are forbidden to interfere! Unless her life is in danger, it is not our place to intervene in the workings of fate.’ 

I knew I had to let this play out; but I was already certain of how it would end; Amelia would kill him and I would be the one to clean it up.

I had to admit though; I was curious to see what Amelia could do and thrilled at the chance to end this high school girl charade. ‘Thank god!’ I mentally rejoiced. Since I had arrived at this god-forsaken-sorry- excuse for a school one year, six months and twenty-three painful days ago, I have been dyeing to escape its tb, teen infested halls.       

Darren’s agonized scream drew me out of my celebratory mental state and pulled my attention back to the scene unfolded before me, just in time to witness Darren’s now life less and apparently blood less corpse fall to the floor with a soft thud.

‘Wow! She’s powerful’ I thought, finally understanding why the Tredecim had sent me here, ‘and here I was starting to think they were wrong about her’ I mused, recalling everything they had told me.  

“What the hell is going on… what had just happened!?” G yelled out hysterically, reminding me that I still stood beside her and Wes, which therefore made them witnesses to Amelia’s crime as well as added them to the list of problems that I would now need to handle. 

‘Oh that’s just great, now I might have to kill G and Wes tonight’ I dismissingly thought, annoyed at the extra work that entailed.

‘Now I have to find somewhere too dump their bodies.’ I realized, mentally skimming through the locations I had scouted just in case such a place became necessary.    

Having chosen to avoid direct enquiries about what had just occurred I kept my eyes focused on Amelia pretending to not of heard G’s question. 

“G, he’s dead” Wes breathed, jaw clenched with what looked like a pained expression on his face. Wes directed his words to G but his eyes never left Amelia, as she knelt beside Darren’s corpse.

‘Why isn’t he…’I pondered confused by Wes’s unsurprised and furious expression.

He had an air about him that I just couldn’t understand which frustrated the hell out of me. I pride myself on how well I read people and I’ve been keeping an eye on him ever since he strolled into our class room that day, yet I haven’t been able to figure him out. 

‘That’s going to end today’ I thought with a smirk, before turning my attention back to Amelia who was attempting to console the distort G. 

Wes tensely strolled over to where Amelia and G stood, with me calmly walking a few steps behind him, waiting for the right time to intervene. 

Amelia’s eyes were downcast unable to face G, as she stared her down judgmentally. 

“I didn’t…I don’t…..” Amelia trailed, trying to explain herself.

“How’d you?….....Wha-What ARE you?!” G spat, staring at Amelia panicked as well as disgust as she staggered backwards, fearing Amelia’s proximity. 

“G, I-I didn’t mean to! I don’t know what happened. Please, please don’t look at me like that. Like…like I’m some sort of monster!” Amelia cried, eyes starting to water. She stood there ashamed, glaring down at her black stained hands as G continued to accuse her.

“But you are! You are a monster!” G screamed, once more stepping back as Amelia reached out to her.

Amelia remained silent; no doubt somewhat agreeing with G’s allegation. 

“Wh-Why would you…? HOW could you....!?”G continued to yell hysterically.  

“He deserved it…”Amelia whispered swiftly stealing a glance at Darren’s corpse. 

“OFCOUSRE HE DID!! one wanted him to suffer more than me, but that doesn’t give you the right to KILL HIM!!!...I trusted him and he RUINED my life…bu-but Amelia, you just KILLED someone! And yo-you… LOOK at him! His bloods bla-black, that’s not normal…you’re not…” G shrieked, tears running down her face as she strove to control the terror she felt towards Amelia. 

‘That’s enough’ I decided. The more hysterical she got the harder it became for me to do this. 

Hastily stepping past the frozen and still angry Wes, I rushed towards G, closing the space between us in a matter of seconds and roughly grasping her throat, staring deep into her eyes as I reached into her brain. Her body left frozen beneath the immense pressure of my powers.

Briskly searching through her mind for what I was looking for and completely erasing all signs of its existence, leaving in the time it would take to blink.

I let go of G’s throat causing her to faint and collapse.

“G!!!” Amelia screamed, rushing to her side.

“Don’t worry she isn’t dead, just blacked out, she’ll be fine” I flatly stated, reaching into my back pocket and pulling out my switchblade. 

“Now Wes, we need to have a little chat” I said smiling, quickly returning to where he still stood, blank faced, swiftly reaching my knife up and gently pushing it into the base of his throat.     


Death's MistressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora