Chapter 15

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The following Day

I woke up to soft humming in my ear. I didn't bother opening my eyes I wanted to "sleep" in as much as possible. Jet lag and Michaels magical love making has me exhausted.

I tried focusing in on the humming to hear what song it was, but he began to sing it softly. I didn't recognize the song, but it was beautiful.

"Sun comes up on this new morning..shifting shadows, a song bird sings. And if these words could keep you happy I'd do anything.

And if you feel alone I'll be your shoulder.

with a tender touch you know so well

Somebody once said it's the soul that matters but baby who could really tell, when two hearts belong so well.
And maybe the walls will tumble
And the sun may refuse to shine

But when I say 'I love you'
Baby you gotta know
that's for all time
Baby you gotta know
That's for all time"

A tear managed to slip from my closed eyes. Giving away the fact that I was not asleep. That I had heard this secret song.

I felt Michaels large hand brush across my face as he wiped away my tears. I finally decided to open my eyes and be met with his looking down at me.

"That song is beautiful."
I watched his smile reach his beautiful eyes before he finally spoke

"Thank you. It was an outtake from thriller. Nobody's really heard it before..I sang it because it came to my mind as I watched you sleep and realized that's how I felt about you. And it will be how I feel for all time."

This man is going to make my heart burst. I took in a shaky breath.

"Do you realize what you do to me? Michael my body feels like I'm on a high whenever I'm around you. Then you say things like this that makes me feel like I'm dying, but dying happily. This overwhelming feeling I get when you speak. When your gaze is on me..when you touch me."

"Especially when I touch you?"

I smirked and pushed him onto his back, climbing onto his lap and placing my hands on his chest.

"Especially when you touch me.."

I leaned down to his beautiful lips, cupping his cheeks into my hands, leaving lingering kisses upon his lips.

"Mmm baby we can't. I have something planned for us today"

"Can't we make time for this?"
Provoking him a bit more I placed his large hands on my ass and bit my lip.
I watched him hum and felt his large hands grip my ass.

"I know what you're doing and I'm not going to let it happen baby we are on a time limit we have to be out of here in an hour. I need more than an hour with you."

I felt my walls clench and my panties moisten. God damn this man.

"You really shouldn't say things like that if you want us to get out of here daddy."

"Kay don't do that. I'll make it up to you I promise."

I pouted and climbed off of him. I should probably enjoy other things that have to do with where we are. Lord knows when I'll be back in Australia.

"Go get ready baby. You're gonna love this."

I took myself into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Giving it some time to warm up I walked over to the sink and began brushing my teeth. I left the door open on purpose and began taking off my panties leaving them on the floor and removing Michaels shirt from my body. Smirking to myself I began putting my hair up so that I don't get it wet in the shower. I felt his eyes on me. So I turned around and walked over to the door grabbing the handle and making eye contact with him before slowly closing it.

Yes he was standing tall under those sheets. I giggled to myself and proceeded to finish my hygiene.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself before exiting the bathroom to pick out what I was going to wear for the day. It's hot as hell in Australia and he didn't really say what we're going to do. I decided on a white bodysuit and some jean shorts. I added a few accessories and fixed my hair and makeup before looking at myself in the mirror.

"Damn you look good"

I turned around to see Michael fully clothed in a white shirt with an opened button down and black jeans. I guess there's two bathrooms in here.

"Thank you handsome. You don't look too bad yourself."

I bent over to fix my thigh high boots and felt his hand connect with my ass.

"You're gonna get it when we get back"

"Can't wait, sexy"

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