Chapter 13

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Later on that night Raeanne brought me to the airport. Giving my best friend a hug goodbye I suddenly held on to her tighter not wanting to let go.

"Kay! go to your terminal you'll miss your flight. I'll be here when you get back. I'm only a phone call away. Call me as soon as you get there safely."

"I'm really gonna miss you Nani. Please answer my calls?" Grabbing her hand with pleading eyes as if she's going to disappear.

"I will now goooo have a good time!" She pushed me all the way to my terminal and watched me hand over my ticket.

"Well dang somebody wants to get rid of me." She laughed at my childlike behavior.

"Yes I can't wait to enjoy my time in your nice apartment and eat your food, watch your tv, and all of that good stuff. Now bye I love you"

Pouting I took one look back at her and entered the plane with my carry on. Placing it above my seat and then sitting down. I pulled out my phone taking a few photos to send to Michael.

"Hi miss would you like some fruit or champagne?"

"I would love some champagne please. Feel free to wake me when the breakfast comes out."

Receiving a light smile from the flight attendant by the name of Julia. "Of course. Well all be on here for a while. I'll leave you to it. Enjoy your champagne."

Sipping the bubbly substance slowly enjoying the tingly sensation as it went down my throat. Placing my neck pillow around my neck and my sleep mask over my eyes. This will go by a lot faster if I'm asleep. I'll be jet lagged either way.

24 hours later


I finally made it

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I finally made it. I can't wait to see Michael. My heart began to pound and I felt butterflies in my stomach at the thought of seeing his beautiful face again. I couldn't wait to embrace him and get a deep breath of his scent. Intoxicating if you ask me. A drug I could never get tired of.

Grabbing my carry on and purse I began exiting the plane and into the airport. I wasn't sure who would be picking me up. I'm assuming Michael wouldn't be able to greet me at the airport without being noticed. I waited for my luggage to arrive and once I spotted it I quickly grabbed it and rolled it onto the ground.

I pulled out my phone to see if he left me any kind of instructions because I am totally lost right now. To my surprise I was to head outside and find someone holding a sign with my name on it.

Following these instructions I exited the airport and found Michaels body guard bill holding a sigh with my name on it. No longer able to hold my excitement I quickly made my way over to bill greeting him with a hug.

"Hi bill! I'm so happy to see you"

"Miss Parra. You seem to be in a good mood"

" Of course Bill. I'm in Sydney! And please call me Kay."

"Kay. Let's get going Michael is expecting you" I nodded and watched him take my luggage. He opened the door for me and I entered the black SUV.

My nerves suddenly kicked in. As if I haven't seen every inch of this man. As if he hasn't seen every inch of me and treated every inch with care.

Get it together you will be fine. Breath.


Bill notified me that he had picked Kay up from the airport and was heading to the hotel.

I thought about our last encounter. I knew I had a lot of making up to do. Not calling her and all. I'm good at disappearing for months on end. It's been a problem of mine for a long time.

I didn't bother getting her a room I wanted her with me the entire time. I hope she doesn't mind. I have a need to be close to her.

Hearing someone knock on the door I attempted to clean up the room a little before opening the door.

I opened the door to see Bill with a suitcase. Kay peeking from behind his frame.

"Hey Michael"

"Kay it's so good to see you! Thank you Bill that is all I need for now"

Taking her suitcase from him and opening the door allowing her inside. I watched her walk inside with her black sweat suit on and her long hair flowing down her back the scent of her shampoo rushing through my nose. Closing the door and watching her ass as she walked deeper into the room. Oh dear God this is going to be one hell of a vacation.

"You are one messy man Michael."

A nasty one too I thought to myself.

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