Damn, he was a good kisser.

After a few more moments (AH!), I decided to rule that words were irrelevant. This was definitely a better mode of communication. Way better. Explosions surrounded us, the heat of the air surrounding us whole.


That was a real explosion.

Peter and I snapped out of our dream-state, turning our heads to see smoke and fire spewing out of a bank. I should have expected something like this. One cannot simply be romantic on a rooftop in New York, without something catastrophic or irrelevant interrupting you.

But at least Peter and I were different. This kind of stuff got us excited, maybe slightly even more than a kiss. Actually, that kiss was pretty good.... Wow.

"I don't suppose you want to go save the city," Peter grinned, "do you?"

I nodded my head, nudging his shoulder, "suit up, Spider-man."


After battling aliens, the hulk, the God of Mischief, and occasionally a drunk Valkyrie, beating up a bunch of human bank robbers was easy.

"You come here often?" Peter said, swinging his feet into the enemy's face.

The thief flew back against the wall, their gun flying out of their hand. There were three of them, all wearing some cheap-halloween Avengers masks and holding potentially dangerous technology. Interesting.

As someone with an Iron Man mask came running towards me, I kneed them in the gut, and planted a solid uppercut to their chin.

"Tony Stark!" I laughed, "what are you doing robbing a bank?"

As I began to fight them towards the back of the bank, I saw Peter battling Hulk-mask from beside me. He was smashing their head against the ATM. I would have been surprised that Peter could be so vicious, but the irony of the situation was far more entertaining.

"Ooooo, no match," the boy chuckled, watching as the ATM screen flashed red, "did you forget your Pin Number?"

"Jeez, Peter, how are you so good at these comebacks?" I said, kicking someone in between their legs.

"With great power comes great response ability, I guess," he joked.

"Nice," I said, picking up the last robber and tossing him to the floor, "guess our work is done here."

"Who knew we would make such a good team," Peter grinned, giving me a high-five.

"I was thinking couple, but okay."

"oH," he said sheepishly, "I didn't know you meant that."

"It's okay, Peter."

"Can we redo that?"

"Well, it's not that big of a deal."

"But I want to be your boyfriend," he said with his puppy dog look, "please?"

"Fine, let's redo it," I said.

Peter shifted his stance, adjusting his Spider-man mask briefly. Holding up his hand for another high-five, he waited for me to smack it before continuing.

"Who knew we would make such a good couple," he said cheerfully, "let's go on a date."

"Now?" I laughed, "we just beat up a bunch of bank robbers, and you want to go on a date?"

"Tomorrow, then."

"I can do tomorrow."

"Perfect," he said, pulling off his mask, "how about a drive in movie?"

Oh, I would love a drive-in movie. Especially with Peter, because even if the film was boring, he'd be there with me. As my newly certified boyfriend. I loved calling him that.

Hate to brag, but I can call Peter Parker my boyfriend, and no one else can. Sorry!

"I don't suppose you know what movie it is," I smirked.

Catching the glint in each other's eyes, we both put our hands up in the air, and screamed out into the damaged bank store.

"STAR WARS!" We yelled in unison.

Grabbing his hand, I planted a kiss on his cheek and dragged him out of the building. Where we were going, we didn't know, but we also didn't care. And here's why:

There was a lot I learned in the past year, drifting along mindlessly in space.

I didn't realize it until I found myself standing here on Earth, and I was glad I did. Even though I had the entirety of space at my fingertips, there was only one thing I ever wanted. It wasn't money, or planets, or anything else like that. I only wanted to be with Peter.

So coming back for him was the best decision of my life. So was being his girlfriend. We didn't have to be experts at romance, or professionals at dating, we just had to be what we knew how to be best.

Just kids.

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