18 | Test-Subject

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"Don't look at me like that," Tony said, setting his sunglasses down on the table beside him, "you look like an abandoned puppy."

I had done what he had asked, and returned back to the tower for another one of his experiments. I didn't like that word, but I was more worried about making myself noncompliant to care.

If Tony said he could help me, I had to take it. He was the only one with enough tech and knowledge to do so.

"Do I really have to get inside that thing again?" I frowned, pointing at the glass box next to me.

"Yes, you do."


"Because you might lash out again, and I'd rather not have you running around the tower in homicidal rage."

"I'd only lash out if you read Sputnik again," I retorted, "so don't do that, and we'll be fine."

Tony narrowed his eyes, partially in disbelief and partially in disappointment. He only looked at me like that when he knew I was wrong about something. I didn't think I was wrong.

"That's where you're mistaken," he said, "I don't think that 'little chant' is the only thing that triggers you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Get in the glass cage, and we'll see if I'm right."

Letting out an angry huff, I did as he said, and stomped through the transparent doors. Once Tony had locked the door behind me, he pointed towards a tiny laptop sitting in the far corner of the box.

That definitely wasn't there before.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y picked a random selection of choices that have been tied to you before," Stark explained, "you have to choose between two options, and we'll see if your other side still has some control over your choices."

"So you want me to take a poll?"

"If that's what you call it, then sure."

Turning my head to look at the laptop, I watched as two squares popped up on the screen. One was red, and one was blue.

go to school or go to training

That was a simple question. Would I rather go to a hell-hole full of judgmental teenagers, or go to train my combat skills? Easy, training.

Tapping the blue button on the right, I waited for the next set of questions to appear.

work alone or work in a team

That was slightly harder than the last one. I liked Steve and Bucky, sure, but I found working alone easier. Got more stuff done in less time.

knives or no knives

Knives. They were incredibly useful.

kill for money or kill for revenge

Okay... what? This escalated quickly.

"Do I have to answer this one?" I said, turning to look at Tony, "I'd rather not kill anyone at all."

The man nodded his head, "just answer it."

Biting my lip, I read the questions again. Whenever I was sent to kill, it wasn't for money or revenge. I had no choice. This was giving me a choice to kill, and I had no choice but to choose.

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