The beginning

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   3rd pov

    The man stood above the villains as shigaraki nodded. "Then come here." The man said as he led them into a traditional Japanese house.

    "My name is Izuku midoriya. I know who all of you are. My quirk is (insert explanation.) I will start your training tommorow tomura shigaraki." Izuku says. "Most of the house is underground, underground there is a bar, rooms and other recreational areas, you may choose your rooms." Izuku says as everyone but kurogiri runs down to find a room and sleep.

  Kurogiri, however stays, and asked where the bar is. Izuku says,"follow me." Kurogiri follows izuku to a very large bar area, with an extremly large assortment of drinks. Kurogiri squeals at just the thought of the delicious possible drink combinations. Izuku notices this, and askes,"Is bar work your hobby??" Kurogiri only nods and heads behind the bar to make a drink. "You want one?" Kurigiri asks as she looks through the large selection of drinks. Izuku nods as kurogiri starts making 2 cocktails. Once she's done she slide one over to izuku and they both take a sip.

    "Wow! This is really good!" Izuku says with a smile. Kurogiri let's out a small giggle thinking that this was the intimidating person that greeted them. "You know, your sorta childish." Kurogiri says. "I'm like this to close comrades." Izuku replies, taking another sip of the drink. "So I'm a close comrade?" Kurogiri asks. "Well if im gonna be the leagues new master, I might as well warn up, am I right?" Izuku asks. This gains a nod from kurogiri.

   "Yeah, your right." Kurogiri says. "Get too sleep, then meet me at the kitchen with the others for breakfast." Izuku says. Kurogiri walks downstairs.

Timeskip to breakfast

   Everyone is discussing what they think about izuku over omelets and breakfast sausages. "Hes cute!! I wanna stab him! But he'll probally kill me if I did that." Toga says with her signature blush. Dabi just shrugs with a "He's alright." Shigaraki says,"We'll see what he's capable if later. I'm fine with being lead by someone strong." After they finish eating, they hear a speaker saying,"Come to ground level. We will start training." The league climbs to ground level and see izuku in a large Coliseum style arena. "NOW!!" izuku says in a large voice. "I will show you the extent of my quirk." Izuku says as he walks up to shigaraki, and touches a metal ball on the floor. It dicenagrates instantly, shocking everyone. Izuku then does the same for everyone up to kurogiri.

   When he uses kurogiris quirk, his body is engulfed in green mist. (Like the cover.) Izuku tries to summon a portal, when a black whip like substance comes out of his hand. Everyon was shocked since kurogiri couldn't do that. Izuku was suprised, and said,"That's only supposed to happen when the person has the crush on me.." then izuku shakes his head and says,"Now! Shigaraki! I'm gonna train you to be a real power house! You ready!" Izukus says with a grin that could kill. Shigaraki nods. "BUT!" Izuku says, catching everyone's attention. "We have a mission first. To prove ourselves." Izuku says. "To get a child by the name of ERI."

The master (villain izukuxfem kurogiri) ON HIATUSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt