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"Little-chan!" Bokuto yelled. He ran to me and he hugged me. "Bokuto I missed you" I said. Iwaizumi came right after Bokuto. "Hello L/N" he said. "Hi Iwaizumi" I said. We looked at each other awkwardly and we hugged. "Look at who we have here! Tiny person!" Kuroo said. "Kuroo! Shut up!" I said. "I missed you too" he said. I said hi to everyone and only Oikawa was left. "L/N!" Ito yelled. Why the fuck is she here? She hugged me and then she dragged me outside. "Okay so like thank you for leaving, like I am manager now and Oikawa and I are dating, so like thank you" she said and she went back inside. What the actual fuck? I went back inside straight to Iwaizumi, the anger inside me was just to much for me. "Why didn't you tell me?" I said. "What?" He said. "About Oikawa and Ito!" I said. "It's nothing special, he's only using her because he can't stop thinking about you" he said. I just turned around and I went outside again.
Their practice was over and everybody took a shower. It was hot inside so I went outside. I saw Akaashi and Bokuto talking so I went to them. "I am sure! I'm gonna do it!" Bokuto said. His energy was so abnormal. "Do what?" I said. "Little-chan! Um nothing special! We were just talking about, um, about volleyball" he said. He was kinda nervous and I think he lied but I won't ask. "I'm going back inside, Konoha needs me for something" Akaashi said. He went inside and I was left with Bokuto. "Why are you so sad?" He asked. "It's hard to explain, you know I was in relationships with one boy and now he has a new girlfriend" I said. "Oh, that can hurt. Just find new thing to focus on and you'll be fine" he said and he smiled. "I'm trying but whatever I do I always think of him and it's just to much" I said. I started tearing up so I pressed my knees on my chest and I rested my head on them. "Hey,hey,hey! Don't cry" he said. He lifted up my chin and he wiped my tears with his thumb. "You know, I also love someone but I could never be with her" he said. "Her? I thought you were gay with Akaashi" I said. "Well that's just an inside joke don't worry. But let's be serious. We are all young Little-chan and in almost every case the relationship ends with a break up. Nothing is same after that" he said. "It hurts" I said. His hands were still on my cheeks. "I know, I know the feeling" he said. "Why you don't want to be with that person?" I said. "Because I don't want to ruin the friendship I created" he said. That makes sense. "Come on, enough of depressing thoughts. Let's take a walk" he said. He helped me get up and we walked. While we were walking my hand bumped into his and we both stopped at the same time. I looked at him and then I continued walking. It was very silent. "I'm tired! Let's sit down again" he said and he laid on the grass. "Ant will get in your ear" I joked. "No! I don't want an ant in my ear!" He said and he sat normally. I sat next to him and we just talked about the past when we were in elementary school together. "Do you remember when that third grader jerk tried to lift up your skirt?" He said. "Yeah! We were second grade and you beat the fuck out of him" I said. "Well I was maybe little back then but I was always strong" he said. I laughed "Sure you are" I said. "And I also remember when you had a crush on me in first grade and I danced with that girl and you started pulling her hair" he said. "Oh my gosh! I remember that! I was very big tomboy back then" I said. So much memories with him, he is my best friend and I would always choose him over anyone. "We should hang out more often" he said. "Yeah, I absolutely agree" I said. I almost forgot how it is to not have problems but this feels nice, really nice. "I'm really glad that I have you for a friend" I said. "Aw, my heart is soft now" he said. He pulled me into the hug and we laid on the grass. He's so warm and gentle, I just can't believe that's the same guy that is most likely to have a bipolar disorder. "Oikawa, It's dark here" I heard Ito. I got up and I saw their shadow. "Is that Oikawa?" Bokuto said. "Yup, he's with his girlfriend" I said with a sad voice. Oikawa grabbed her ass and they fell on the ground, after that they end up having sex. 10 meters (32'8 f) away from me. "We should go" Bokuto said. He gave me his hand and I got up. The tear fell down my cheek, I was still holding Bokuto's hand. He stopped walking and he turned to me. "Hey, look at me Little-chan. Don't cry, let him be, you'll forget about him" he said. "YOU ARE JUST NOT HER" I heard Oikawa yelling. Bokuto squeezed my hand and we continued walking. You are just not her? What does that even mean? We got away from them. "Do you want to go inside?" He said. I was crying so I didn't say anything. "Please don't cry, you'll male me cry too. Come here" he hugged me and he kissed my head. I cried even more and more. How is he doing that to me? Oikawa I hate you! I hate you! Bokuto stepped back and he made me look at him. He wiped my tears again. "I'm here for you, now let's go inside, it's getting cold" he said and we went inside. We went inside and we were still holding hands. I hugged Bokuto and we went to our rooms. I went to the bathroom and then I went to sleep. In the morning boys had practice. I watched as usual. I saw Ito and she was struggling with walking, I know why tho. She sat next to me. "I had a fight with Oikawa last night" she said. "Why" I said. "Well like we had sex and he said like you're not her and I asked him who and we like started to like argue and now he doesn't want to talk to me" she said. "I don't know what to say" I said and she just left. Our team was playing against Nekoma now. We lost and Kuroo came to me "Do you like how I play kitty?" He said. "Yeah,sure" I said.
The practice was over and I wanted to play volleyball so I went to the gym. Kuroo was there laying on the floor. "Hello" he said. "Hi" I said. "Why are you here?" He said getting up. "I wanted to play some volleyball" I said. "Can I join?" He said. I nodded and he formed a smile. "Let's play one on one and if you lose then I'm getting a kiss" he said. "No" I said. "Please. You're just scared of losing" he said. "What?! I'm not scared! You'll see! Let's play but if you lose them you're going to be my maid tomorrow" I said. "Alright! Bet!" He said. We started playing...
I LOST! I FUCKING LOST! "Now it's time for me to get a kiss kiss" he said. "I can't do it! It would be awkward" I said. "Wait I know!" He said. He ran to the switches and he turned off the lights. I was unable to see I just felt an arm wrapping around my waist and a pair of lips on mines. He kissed me and he slid his tongue inside my mouth and we started making out. He picked me up and he pushed me to the wall. "Kuroo stop" I said. "What, why?" He stopped. "This is not right" I said. He put me down. "Sorry I didn't mean to" he said. "It's okay, really, I'm just not in the mood" I said. "Who hurt you?" Kuroo said. "No one" I said a little nervous. He leaned onto the wall behind me with his hand. "Answer me" he said. "It was all my fault! Because I am stupid slut" I said. "Are you crazy? Do not talk about yourself like that? Who made you think like that? I swear I will break all of his bones" he said. "It's not important" I said and I attempted to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and he pressed me to the wall. "You are clearly depressed. I'm not going to let you leave. If you don't want to talk then it's okay but stay with me for a moment" he said. He let me go and I sat down with my back on the wall. "I just want him back, that's all I want. Just that and nothing else. Is it to much?" I said. "It's never to much. If you really love him, tell him" Kuroo said. "I told him like million times" I said. Kuroo was silent. "I don't deserve him. I cheated on him" I said. "You cheated?" He said. "Well not actually, that person is manipulative and he manipulated me" I said. "I think he should give you another chance" Kuroo said. Is started crying. Everything was just like yesterday. I should have stayed home. "I want to show you something I saw yesterday" Kuroo said. "What?" I said. "You'll see, just come" he said. He grabbed my wrist and he started dragging me. After few minutes of intense walking we arrived to the field with tall grass. "Run trough it" he said. I made confused face. He rolled his eyes and he started running trough the grass that was the length of his whole legs. Suddenly the army of fireflies started shining. I was amazed, just wow. I started running and it was just magical. After an hour of running and walking Kuroo fell on the ground and I fell on top of him. He laughed and then he flipped me so I was under him. He leaned in to kiss me but I stopped him "I can't do that Kuroo. Sorry" I said. He nodded and he laid next to me. "Im cold" I said. He just wrapped his arms around me and we watched the stars. "We should go back" he said. "Just a little bit more" I said. "Okay" he said. He kissed my forehead and that confused me for a second but who cares. He covered my eyes with his hand. "Kuroo stop" I said. "Make me" he said. I tried to remove his hand but he was so much stronger than me. This ended up with him holding both of my hands above my head with one hand. "Enough, let's go back" he said. We went back and I saw Oikawa standing on the stairs. He looks like he was crying. I really want to ask what happened but I just won't. I just went straight to bed. In the morning all girls went to the store to get drinks and food. It was not far away so we walked. "Hi L/N" one girl said. I think she's Kiyoko from Karasuno. "Oh, hi" I said. "I noticed that you are little upset" she said. "I am actually but I can't talk about it now" I said. "I understand, don't worry" she said. We all went inside and everybody has to find things that were on the list so we all spread. I had to look for bags of ice. It was  easy to find them so I told Kiyoko that I'm leaving. I paid and i headed back. The ice was really heavy. "I'll help" I saw Oikawa. "It's fine" I said walking past him. "Let me help you!" Terushima popped out of nowhere and he took the ice. "Thanks" I said. Oikawa grabbed me and he dragged me outside. "Don't talk to him! He'll end up hurting you" he said. "Like you did?" I said. "Yeah, I'm regretting everything and I just want you to come back. I want you back, only you L/N. I cried every night since you left. I even started cutting myself" he said. "What? Oikawa are you serious? You cut yourself?" I said and I started crying. "What's going on?" Someone said. It was Terushima. "Oikawa I'm so sorry" I said. "L/N what the hell?" Terushima came to us and he hugged me. "What did you say to her? Why is she crying?" Terushima said with his arms still wrapped around me. "Nothing, can you let us talk?" Oikawa said. "No until she says so" Terushima said. "It's okay Terushima" I said. He let me and he went back to the gym. "Oikawa I don't want to hurt you but I don't know what say, I want to get back with you but at the same time I don't. Sorry" I said.

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