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Iwaizumi and I stayed up late. I won't lie it was fun but I was thinking about Oikawa all the time. Anyways, Iwaizumi is sleeping in living room, I decided to sleep in there too, just to keep him company and I was actually scared to sleep alone knowing that there is no electricity. We have to get up earlier than usual so Iwaizumi can go to his house and change for school. "L/N-chan! Can I have your pillow? It's higher than this one" he asked. "Yeah, of course" I said and I handed him my pillow. He just took it and turned on the other side. "Can I have your pillow? You know I can't sleep without pillow?" I said. "Oh yeah, I forgot" he said and give me the pillow. After that we went to sleep. In the morning I got ready fast and we left. When we arrived to his house we got inside and I waited for him. While I was waiting his mom saw me. And waved at me. I was in Iwaizumi's room by the way. After he got ready he called Oikawa. "Hey, where are you?"Iwaizumi asked. "I'm about to go to school, why?" He said. "Let's walk together" Iwaizumi said. "Oh, you can walk with L/N"Oikawa said. "No, we are all walking together" Iwaizumi said. "I don't want that. After she lied, I don't want to be in her company anymore" he said. I made strange face. What the heck? What was I lying about? Oikawa left conversation and Iwaizumi looked at me. "I don't know what is happening" I said. We were about to leave the house when Iwaizumi's mom yelled from the kitchen "Did you took your lunch? Or did your girlfriend made you one?" I blushed like crazy. "Mom! She's not my girlfriend! I took the lunch, thanks for making it" he said and we left. When we arrived to school, the first person we were looking for was Oikawa, I really need to ask him some questions. I saw girls and I saw Oikawa. I somehow managed to get to him and pull him by the wrist. He was confused and he looked angry and sad and I don't even know. "What? Wouldn't Iwa-chan be mad if he sees me with you?" He said and he bended knees to be my height. "No! Why would he be?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe because he's your boyfriend" he said. "No! He's not. Now tell me what was I lying about?" I said. "I was you talking ti those girls before we went to mall. Then you said you were feeling sick and that you needed to go home. Then when I was at the mall one of the girls told me that you are very nice person and that you seem like a good friend. And then the other girl said that it's bad that you didn't want to come" he said. "So what's the problem?" i said. "The problem is that you lied that you are sick. I asked girls why you didn't want to come and they said that you said that I annoy you and that you actually like Iwa-chan and that you wanted to spend time with him" he said and he walked away. "Oikawa wait! That's not true! Let me explain!" I yelled but he didn't bother to turn around. I felt a tear falling down my cheek. My eyes were soaking. I went to the classroom and just laid my head on the desk, sobbing and questioning myself. I heard someone in front of me but I was not looking up. "L/N-chan, look up" the voice said, that's Iwaizumi actually. I looked up and my face was red and my eyes were red and I looked like mess. He just started at me. "Why did you cried? I found Oikawa and he explained everything. I know it's not true don't worry" he said. "Thank you, I really want to explain everything and I really want to tell him that I kinda like him but now it's not time for that, I need to stop crying and I need to put myself together" I said. "I will tell him to come and to listen to you, don't worry he will listen" he said and he left the classroom. After few minutes he came back, with Oikawa... I don't want him to know that I was crying. "L/N look at me" Oikawa said. "No, I don't want to" I said. "L/N please just look at me" He said. I was still looking down. "Just explain to him L/N" Iwaizumi said. I started talking, still looking down. Explaining EVERYTHING. I didn't tell him that I like him tho, I'm not ready for it yet. "So you're telling me that those girls told you that they don't want you there and you were not actually sick?" Oikawa said. "Yeah" I said. "UGH!!!! If they were not girls I would teach them a fucking lesson" Oikawa said angry and I looked at him. He looked me and he was somehow shocked by the fact that I cried. He bended down and he hugged me. "Sorry Kawai-chan" he said.
"Ask her already" Iwaizumi said to Oikawa. "L/N-chan, we need a manager in our volleyball team, do you want to become one? It will be a lot of fun I promise" he said. "Well,how can I say no?" I said. Boys were really happy with my answer. *BING* I got a message, who can it be. It's from Bakuto-chan! I haven't seen him in ages. Message: *Hello Little-chan! I heard that you are in Aoba Johsai. We have a match this week with them(╹◡╹). I hope I will see you Little-chan (〃ω〃).* I can't believe that I'm gling ti see this crackhead. "And why is that happy face?" Oikawa asked. "I got a message from an old friend. He's going to come with his volleyball team. Are you guys having a match this week?" I said. "Yeah we do. With Fukurodani" Iwaizumi said. I got even bigger smile on my face.
The school was over and I went home, boys are having practice and stuff. As I was walking I saw a man. Just standing there looking at me. I started walking faster and I successfully made it to my house. I turned around again, just to make sure no one is following me. When I was sure there is nobody I went inside and locked the door. I went to my room and I started doing my homework. I also got an email from school's volleyball team, the email said that I'm officially a manager of the team. Yaay! I'm very happy about that. When I finished homework I just scrolled through my phone until I heard someone knocking on the door. My mom opened it and she was talking with someone. After few minutes she called me. I got out of my room. She was with one grown man standing on our balcony. She said bye to him and he left. "Who was that?" i asked. "Our neighbor. He brought us flowers for welcoming us" she said. Today's the volleyball match. As a team's manager I had to be there early and help. "L/N-chan!" Bokuto yelled. I ran to him and hugged him around waist because he's much taller than me. "Bokuto! I missed you so much! How are you?" I said. "I'm good. I missed you too Little-chan" he said. "That's an old nickname. I'm not that little anymore" I said. "You were not able to hug him normally so you hugged him by the waist. So yeah, you are short" the boy with black hair said while passing by. I blushed, first of all because he was right, second of all because I didn't realize that I was hugging Bokuto by the waist. I said bye to Bokuto and I went back to my team. "How do you know him?" Oikawa asked. "He's an old friend of mine" I said. "Okay. Wish me luck Kawai-chan" Oikawa said and he petted me on the head which made me blush a lot. I just nodded and he walked away. The game started and I just watched and handed water bottles or towels to boys.
We won. Oikawa was so happy. He ran to me and lifted me up. After that little "celebration" I went to look for Bokuto. I was not able to find him but I saw that black haired boy sitting by himself. Should I ask him where Bokuto is? I kinda want to but I'm shy. Maybe he'll think that I like him or something. "If you are looking for Bokuto, he's in toilet" he said to me. At first I froze. "How did you know?" I said. "You were staring at me so I knew you needed something" he said. "Oh,right. Sorry" I said. "L/N, I need help with cleaning" Oikawa yelled. I looked at black haired boy again and I left. I helped Oikawa with cleaning and I looked for Bokuto again. This time I was lucky to find him. He was eating this time. I waved at him and he waved back. "Hello" I said. "If you came here for my food, then bye" he said. "No I didn't. I just wanted to talk to you" I said. "Oh, okay then Little-chan" He said and he made some space for me to sit. We talked a lot, about everything and then Oikawa came and he asked if he can sit. Without waiting for an answer, he sat between us. "L/N-chan, can we walk home together?" Oikawa said ignoring Bokuto. "Yeah, sure" I said. "Perfect" Oikawa said. "Little-chan I wanted to ask you to hang out with Akaashi and me later because we're staying here whole day" Bokuto said. "To bad I asked her already" Oikawa said. "Little-chan..." Bokuto said looking me with ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) look on his face. "Oikawa, is it okay of you walk with Iwaizumi? I haven't seen Bokuto in long time and I really want to spend time with him" I said. "Okay, whatever, I don't even care" Oikawa said and got up, then he looked at Bokuto "And don't call her Little-chan" he said and left. "Sorry about that" I said. "It's okay. Hey there is Akaashi" Bokuto said. "Oya!" Akaashi said. " Where do you want to go L/N-chan?" Bokuto asked. "Wherever you guys take me" I said. "Oh so you're not the picky one huh?" Akaashi said. "I guess not" I said. "LETS GO TO THE CINEMA AND WATCH THAT NEW HORROR MOVIE" Bokuto said jumping. "I'm down" I said. "Me too" Akaashi said. So as you guessed we went to the cinema. The whole way there I had a feeling that someone was following us. Every time I looked back there was nobody. We got our seats, I was in sandwich, Bokuto was on my left and Akaashi was on my right. I'm actually not a big fan of horror movies and I was scared a lot. So I didn't wanted to watch. "Bokuto-chan, I'm going outside to get some air, I feel dizzy" I said, that was true actually, I was feeling dizzy. "Do you want me to come with you?" He said. "No it's okay" I said. "You shouldn't go alone if you're dizzy" Akaashi said and he got up to go with me. "Bokuto you can stay here and watch a movie, so you can tell me what happened" Akaashi said and Bokuto nodded. We went outside, it actually got dark and pretty cold. I crossed my arms trying to warmup myself. Akaashi noticed that. "Do you want my jacket?" He said. "No, it's okay. I'll be fine" I said. He rolled his eyes. "Don't reject me like that, I'm trying to be nice" he said and he took off his jacket. "Thanks" I said and everything went black.
I gave L/N my jacket and she was about to put it on but she fainted. I succeeded to catch her before she hit the floor. I took her to restroom and I splashed her with water and she woke up. Someone rushed to the restroom. It was Oikawa wearing a hat, hoodie and sunglasses. He took her in his arms and pushed me away. "What the fuck dude?" I said. "What have you done to her?" He asked. "Nothing! She just fainted and I splashed her with water" I said. Oikawa looked at her and she was still kinda dizzy. "I will take her home. Tell Bokuto that she said bye" Oikawa said and he lifted her up. "And take your jacket with you" he said trowing a jacket on me. He wanted to left but Bokuto waited for him outside. "Hey! Hey! Hey! What do you think you're doing Oikawa" Bokuto said. "I'm taking her home. Now excuse me" Oikawa said trying to pass by Bokuto but he stopped him. "We are going to take her home, give her to me" Bokuto said. "I'm not giving her to you. Now move" Oikawa said and pushed Bokuto away. Then he just walked away with L/N in his arms.

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