Dean quickly caught up to me and grabbed my chin so I was forced to look at him. "Now you listen here kid. I made mistakes in my past, lots of them, but I will make damn sure that you don't follow in my footsteps. Do not use my past to justify your bad decisions, ever, understood!"

"Y-yes sir Dean I'm sorry. I-I swear I won't do it again." It was then that I noticed Mark had left the room while Dean had all my attention and that only meant one thing. Oh no...

"Looks like it's just you and me D, take off your pants and bend over the couch."

"What?! Dean anyone could walk down!" He can't be serious!

"Dylan I swear if you do not do what I say I'm going to make you take your boxers off too." I stared at him in disbelief. "Dean please I'm sorry."

"You're sorry you got caught Dylan, you always are. But you are never sorry about what you actually do."

"That's not true!"

"Oh yeah. Tell me Dylan, would you have snuck out again the next time we left if you hadn't been caught?"

"N- yes" I said quietly.

"Even after what happened last time, honestly I'm shocked you would do this again. Maybe I should bring Laysee down here, punish her and make you watch so you really learn your lesson this time."

"No Dean don't!!" I knew he wasn't serious but I didn't want to risk it. I started to tear up, oh god this is embarrassing.

Dean just stared at me but I didn't hold eye contact for more than a second before I looked at the floor. I started to find it hard to breathe. It's going to hurt so bad. What if someone walks down here. Is Laysee ever going to trust me again?

Dean took a step toward me and I instinctively took one backwards. He walked over to me and laid one arm on my upper back and shoulders with the other one wrapping around my head, laying his chin on the top of my head. "Just relax Dylan"

Relax?! How am I supposed to fucking relax Dean I'm a mess and a disappointment and a-

He cleared his throat, grabbed my upper arm then quickly pulled me up the stairs and into my room. What is going on?

"Take off your shorts and bend over the bed." He started to take off his belt and I contemplated obeying or making a run for it. "Now Dylan".

I didn't wait another second before my athletic shorts were off and I was over my bed, pulling a pillow in close for comfort. Please don't take the pillow away Dean.

"You know the rules Dylan, you can't hold onto anything during a punishment." He reached over and took the pillow away from me.

I let out a whine. Screw you Dean.

"What all should you be punished for?" It was less of a question and more of a test to see what I'll own up to.

"For sneaking out, drinking underage, and getting arrested" I said.

"Alright then I'm starting now"

"Wait! And for lying to Laysee after I swore to her I wouldn't do anything while she was in charge."

"Ok kid, brace yourself, this is going to hurt."

After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes my butt was burning!

"Ow, Dean please stop!!"


"Why should I stop kid?"

5 brothers and 1 sister (spanking story) Where stories live. Discover now