Diagon Alley

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"Dad please. All the other kid's parents drop them off at Kings Cross, even the muggle ones. You don't have to come onto the platform just bring me there, so I don't have to try to load my stuff into a cab. Most cab drivers aren't accustomed to having an owl in their cab" I said. My dad rolled his eyes. I was muggleborn as far as I knew.

            "Fine. We're going into London anyway to buy our normal kids' stuff for school. We can drop you off so you can go to your freak school" my dad said. I rolled my eyes. I went upstairs and packed my stuff. I wrote a letter to my friend Charlie. Charlie and I met in our first year. We were going into our 5th year. I handed the letter to Orion, my owl, and let him fly off. I sat on the bench by my window. I couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. When your family sees you as a freak for what you are, it's nice to be around people who are the same as you. I pulled out a notebook that professor Sprout gave me. It was her old herbology notebook. She let me borrow it over break to help me get ready for herbology this year. She knew I had hopes of becoming a herbologist.

            A few hours later Orion came flying back. He had a package in his claws. He dropped it on the bench. He flew back into his cage. The package was wrapped in brown paper and twine. I knew it was from Charlie. I opened it. There was a note folded on top. I opened it.

            "I found these books I figured you would find them interesting. They're not new copies but they have some notes in them which could be helpful to you. See you soon. Charlie" it read. I smiled. I pulled out some old herbology books. I opened one and saw the names in the front of the book. One name was B. Weasley. I smiled. Charlie had many siblings he was the second oldest. His older brother was named Bill. He was two years older than us. Bill was very popular at Hogwarts. He was smart, but a rule breaker. Bill was very attractive. I knew I had no shot though. He didn't even know me. Charlie had yet to introduce us. He got slightly annoyed with Bill's popularity and girls throwing themselves at him. I always told him I didn't think Bill was super attractive, which was a lie. However, Bill was used to getting a girl but not having to try. I wasn't one of those girls who was going to throw myself at him cause he smiled at me. I flipped over the letter and saw that they were going to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies next week. I knew I could get myself there.

            The day came that I was going to leave to go to Diagon Alley. I pulled on a black short tight-fitting skirt and my quidditch sweater. I packed my robe in a bag, along with pajamas and a change of clothes. I walked downstairs.

            "Where are you off to?" My dad asked.

            "I have to go buy some school supplies" I said. "I'm gonna stay with some friends so I'll be gone today and tomorrow probably."

            "Have fun I guess" my dad said. "You're going to see your freaky friends aren't you?" I didn't respond. I walked out of the house. I got a cab to the train station and took the train to London. Once I was there, I made my way to the Leaky Cauldron, which was a pub/inn that connected to Diagon Alley. I checked into a room and paid for it. I brought my bag up to my room. I sat on the bed. I heard familiar voices downstairs. I grabbed my cloak out of my bag and put it on. I tucked my wand into the pocket. My wand was unique. It was a dark wood with a unicorn hair core, it had some carved into it and a purple crystal at the very end. I walked around the alley. I knew Charlie had no idea I was going to be here. I quickly looked in the mirror. I had long dark brown/black hair, bright brown eyes, pale skin, and freckles around my nose. I put my money in my pocket. I walked outside and looked over the balcony. I saw the Weasley's downstairs. I walked downstairs. I quietly followed them to Diagon Alley.

            "Okay Percy, Fred, George, and Ron you stay with me. Bill and Charlie, you have the money you need to go get your supplies" their mother said. Once their mom walked away with their siblings. I saw Charlie and Bill starting to walk to the bookshop.

            "Charlie!" I yelled. Bill and Charlie turned and looked at me. Charlie looked the same, longer red hair, freckles, brown eyes, he was tall, and muscular.

            "Chrissy! Hey what are you doing here?" Charlie said. I walked over to him and hugged him.

            "You wrote on your letter that you guys would be here today. I figured I'd crash" I said. Bill smiled at me. We all walked off to the bookshop. I was looking around the shelves. I could hear Bill and Charlie talking on the other side of the shelf.

            "So that's Chrissy? She's prettier than you mentioned." Bill said.

            "Bill no. You have every girl in school after you. I don't want you to play my friend" Charlie said.

            "I wouldn't play her. Come on man what's she into?" Bill asked. I heard Charlie sigh.

            "You'll get to her through her mind. She likes Herbology. I gave her that old Herbology book you gave me. She also likes quidditch. On the weekends me and her study down by the black lake, you could join us one weekend if you want" Charlie said.

"But I never study on weekends" Bill said. Charlie sighed.

"Well, if you want her you must make some sacrifices. Maybe stop breaking the rules and looking for the cursed vaults" Charlie said. I had heard of the cursed vaults before but I didn't know Bill was looking for them. I smiled. I couldn't believe that Bill Weasley, a 7th year student was interested in me a 5th year student. I heard them walking around. I quickly ran to another bookshelf. I pulled out a book and made it look like I had been there the entire time. We got our books and some rolls of parchment for the year. We hit a few other stores. We went back to the Leaky Cauldron. Charlie and I sat at a table.

            "Hey thanks for the books" I said.

            "No problem" he said. Bill came back with three butterbeers. He put Charlie's down in front of him. He sat next to me and handed me one.

            "Thank you" I said.

            "You're welcome" he said. Before we could say anything else their mom came in with their brothers. She walked over to us.

            "Mum, this is my friend Chrissy." Charlie said. I waved awkwardly.

            "Hello Dear. Charlie has told us much about you" she said. "I'm Molly. Most of the kids call me Ms. Weasley but you could call me Molly if you'd like."

            "And this is Percy, Fred, George, and Ron. Fred and George are starting their first year at Hogwarts" Charlie said. I smiled.

            "So dear is your family here as well?" Molly asked.

            "No unfortunately, my parents are muggles and they don't much approve of all of this" I said. Molly frowned a bit.

            "Well dear if you need anything. Send us an owl. We got you" Molly said. I smiled.

            "Thank you. That really means a lot" I said.

            "Well boys we should go. I left dad home with Ginny" Molly said. I stood up. I hugged Charlie.

            "See you at school" Charlie said.

            "Bye Charlie. Bye Bill" I said.

            "I'll see you at Hogwarts" Bill said with a smile. I smiled back. I went up to my room and laid down. I couldn't believe that Molly Weasley was so welcoming to someone she had met once. I fell asleep quickly.

            I woke up early the next morning. I packed up my stuff. I walked downstairs and checked out of the room. I went to the train station and took the train home. I opened the herbology book Charlie gave me and started reading it. I looked at all the notes in the margins. It wasn't Charlie's handwriting. Once I got to my stop I gathered my stuff, got off the train, and walked home. I made sure to tuck my cloak and wand into my bag just incase my dad or brothers friends were around. I walked inside.

            "Hey, look the freak is back" my brother, Nathan said. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't do or say anything cause his friends were there. I went upstairs. I packed up all my new stuff into my trunk. I still couldn't believe Bill Weasley asked about me.

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