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Kenma had slept through the night, being that he was exhausted from all the panicking and walking he did that night it wasn't unusual that he slept. He woke up at around 3pm because he could, it was the weekend after all. Kenma sighed and got out of his bed, stumbling over to his mirror and yawning as he fixed his hair and put on his hood, tightening the strings and leaving his room finally, hearing a small chuckle from his roommate due to his messy appearance"say absolutely nothing or you are dead"he muttered, glaring up at him"i wasn't going to"kuroo hummed before turning to go to the living room and sitting on the couch. Kenma went to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks before going to his room, he had a bit before he needed to go out and meet up with that horrible snake so he decided to play video games for a while. He sat at his desk and turned on his computer, starting up a random online game and putting on his headphones. Kenma quickly lost himself in the gaming world, but not before setting an alarm for a bit before he needed to leave.


Kenma played for hours, knowing kuroo wasn't going to bother him after yesterdays little fight and kenmas little breakdown. He had most of the day for himself, he had completely forgotten about his forced date until his alarm went off and he was pulled back into reality. He took his headphones off, ears twitching at the annoying sound before he turned it off. Kenma let out a shaky breath and logged off his game before shutting everything down and going to his dresser. He changed into a black Band hoodie and some ripped jeans with a grey and black beanie to go with it all.  Kenma sighed yet again and left his room, grabbing his phone and heading to the door"kuro im going to the library for a while i dunno when i'll be back so don't wait up for me with dinner"he called to the other on the couch who only sighed and gave him a concerned look"alright just be careful kenma..."he heard the other say before he got on his boots and left the house. Kenma took a deep breath and started walking to the library, he hoped this wouldn't be as bad as he thought it was going to be. 

Soon enough he got to the library, he wasn't surprised to see daishou already there. He sighed and went over to him, keeping his eyes down"okay im here, where are we going?"he asked, his hands shaking as daishou grabbed kenma by his waist"mm im glad you showed kitty~ we are going to the mall to hang out with some of my friends, i told all of them that we were together and they didn't believe me so be a good kitty and don't fight anything i do got it?"the snake hummed, causing fear to rush over him as he nodded. 

Daishou grinned and let kenma go, putting his hands into his pockets"good! now lets go"he hummed as he began to walk, kenma following him with his head down, trying his best not to seem too uncomfortable. After a while they got to the mall and daishou immediately greeted his group of friends, not paying any bit of attention to kenma who's anxiety was rising more and more every second. There were so many people, he couldn't deal with this, he was already starting to panic"d-daishou..."he mumbled, his body shaking. The snake looked back at kenma and raised a brow"hm? oh sorry i completely forgot to introduce you~"he grabbed kenma and put him in front of him, his friends all towering over the small pudding haired boy, making his body shake more. Daishous friends all grinned and started talking and all kenma could do was stand there"h-hi"he mumbled, causing all of them to start talking more, but not to him, just to daishou. Here kenma was, basically on the verge of a panic attack and all daishou was doing was showing him off like he was some trophy, and the snakes friends were just talking and laughing about it. 

He couldn't focus on all the words and only made out a few of them, mostly he heard"there's no way" or "wow dai you really scored a nice piece of ass"or something along those lines. Kenma heard someone say something that sounded like a dare and it scared him more"If he really is your boyfriend then how about you two give us a lil show? just a kiss ten seconds at most then we'll believe ya"the guy hummed. Kenmas eyes widened and he looked back at daishou as he heard him reply"not a problem at all~"and before he knew it he was being held by his chin to look up at the snake"if you pull away your secret will be shared"he muttered quietly. Kenma nodded and closed his eyes tightly when he felt two deathly cold lips on his own, causing a shiver to go down his spine. He felt the other wrap arms around his waist and pull him closer, he couldn't believe his first kiss would be stolen from him by daishou. Kenma was so close to pulling away when he felt the other move a hand under the back of his shirt and grab his tail tightly, making him wince and slightly open his mouth, daishou took the opportunity to push his tongue into the smaller boys mouth and explore for a few seconds until kenma pulled on the snakes shirt and he pulled away leaving the pudding boy to pant heavily and fight back tears. 

Kenma hadn't ever felt so completely violated in his entire life, he couldn't believe daishou did that but he heard him immediately talking to his friends and hearing compliments go towards the snake, he knew why he did it and it made him angry. Kenma covered his mouth and swallowed hard, trying to keep his composer. Daishou on the other hand was just chatting up a storm with his friends, not even paying mind to kenma. The small cat boy wanted to go home, he wanted kuroo, he wanted to be saved and he was so focused on trying to not cry that he didn't notice a certain owl like pair catching sight of the obviously uncomfortable boy...

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