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Kuroo had been sitting on the couch, he was spamming kenma with messages and calling him once the sun started to go down, he knew the other wouldn't want him to go out looking for him since he said he needed time but kuroo was getting more and more worried as time went by. His old anxiety seemed to be stirring inside him and he hated it, it made him wonder if this was how kenma felt all the time. Kuroo sighed and tapped his foot, waiting on the couch for what felt like forever until he heard the door and looked back ti see a small hooded figure rush to his room.

Relief washed over kuroo and he quickly stood up to follow kenma, only to stop when he heard quiet sobbing from the other side of the door. He hesitated before knocking gently"hey kenma? are you okay?"he said softly, hearing the crying silence he immediately knew something was up"open the door ken, i wanna help you"he said, waiting for a response or the door to open but all he heard was shaky breathing and quiet sobs"kenma i need you to breath okay? in and out, can you do that for me?"he asked softly, he heard kenma start to try and breath and eventually the breathing from the other steadied. 

Kuroo let out a soft breath as he sat on the floor, facing the door as he folded his legs"you wanna talk about whatever happened?"he asked softly, waiting for a reply"n-no i don't..."he heard the other say quietly. Kuroo nodded"okay you don't have to, are you hungry? i can make some ramen"he said, not wanting to push the other to talk about something if he didn't want to"ramen sounds good...thanks kuro"he heard the other mumble, a smile soon formed on kuroos face as he heard the small childhood nickname from the other"alright, i'll go make ramen, you can eat it in your room so you don't have to come out right now if you don't wanna"he said before standing and stretching.

Kuroo tapped the door twice and waited, soon hearing three soft taps in return. He smiled at the excange and walked away to go make kenma ramen. He wished the other would talk to him, he just wanted to feel less like kenma was pushing him away. Kuroo let out a sigh as he began to make the noodles for the pudding haired boy, letting his thoughts wander.


Kenma sighed when he knew kuroo had walked away, he wiped his eyes and stood up, stumbling to his bed and flopping down, his tail soon making its way out from hiding and starting to sway lightly. He wished he could tell kuroo but he didnt want everyone know his secret. Kenma had just begun to relax until he heard his phone go off, he checked the message and the color seemed to drain from his face as he read what it said...

[unknown sender]:Tomorrow, 6pm meet me outside that little library you love so much. We're going on a date so wear something nice little kitty~

[unknown sender]:oh and make sure your big allycat doesn't find out about us going out tomorrow or you know what will happen.

Kenma choked back the tears that wanted to fall, he needed to keep himself calm so he didn't raise more worry in kuroo. He couldn't believe he was going on a date with that horrible snake, he didn't have a choice though, he needed daishou to keep his secret. Kenma took a shaky breath and began to type his response.

okay, he wont know

Kenma sent the message and put his phone down, standing up and going to his mirror, he looked at his ears and gripped onto them, tears rolling down his cheeks slowly"i really am a monster aren't i..."he mumbled to himself as he let go of his catlike ears and fixed his hair. He sighed and wiped his eyes before hearing his door and a soft voice saying his name"kenma, i've got your ramen"kuroo said softly, making kenma relax at the others voice. He went to his door and put his hood up as he opened his door a bit and was handed the ramen"thank you kuro..."he mumbled, not looking at him. 

He tensed up when he felt a gentle hand on his head, relaxing after a second"Its no problem kenma, Just get some rest okay?"kuroo said as he gave kenma the ramen. Kenma nodded and went back into his room closing himself inside before sitting at his desk and eating. The warm food made him feel better and calmed him down more, he was happy to have kuroo and honestly had no idea what he'd do without the older boy looking out for him. 

He ate his food, feeling more tired every second, his panic attack took more out of him then he thought. He soon finished eating and stood up, stumbling to his bed and laying down. Kenma curled up under his blankets, hugging one of his pillows and burying his face as he closed his eyes. He relaxed and started to fall asleep letting kuroos voice fill his mind.

"just get some rest okay?"

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