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"Know your place," the professor shouted, slamming his fist on the table and causing the two children in front of him to flinch. "I will not be questioned by young childish fools such as yourselves!"

"Yes Professor Swindle," both children muttered in unison, bowing their heads. It was a boy and a girl, or better known as Warlock and Annie. Warlock, who appeared to be about eight years old, had dark brown skin, curly brown hair, a smart but very kind look about him, and soft brown eyes. Annie meanwhile, who was only about six years of age, had long dark hair carelessly braided down her back, soft green eyes, and many many freckles dotting her pretty but shy face. Both were dressed in uniforms similar to such as seen in a normal private school for normal children, except for of course the unusual pin on their chests.

The two were currently seating in front of the messy wide desk in the office of Professor Winston L. Swindle, which was dark and crammed with bookshelves cluttered with pulls books and artifacts from throughout time.

"You are here to practice and use your powers for the greater good. You must not be allowed to play around with them as you so choose! Understand?!?"

"Yes Professor Swindle," they repeated morbidly, Warlock taking a chance and looking up at the headmaster.

Professor Winston L. Swindle was a strict man with messy white hair on the top of his head as well as a beard and mustache, glasses, and a sunken in face with deep bags under his eyes that many suspect make his eyes heavy on his head. The professor one might guess was an old man, his exact age never quiet confirmed and his actual past never spoken of, though some of the older children rumored that he is an old Time Keeper that went, as they put it, "dark side" and became obsessed with finding his own way around space, time, and reality.

"Yes young Warlock?" Swindle sighed, sitting back down and leaning back in his chair. "What is it you are so obviously wanting to say?"

"U-Uh," Warlock fumbled, his slight British slipping . "It's just that.... well I..."


"I-I want to see my actual parents," the boy bursted out, his eyes pleading and full of curiosity. "I mean to take a look at them, see them for a bit, of course not letting on who I am—"

"No Warlock you know the rules, why would you make such a ridiculous request?" The Professor scolded, still quite cross.

"I-I do to!" Annie countered, grabbing her friend's arm to comfort him and show support. "At least let us have one look!"

"No. Absolutely not. Now both of you return to your quarters with your cabinet or I will throw you out like the rest of the bad children," The Professor snarled, turning back to his paperwork.

  The two children slipped out of their chairs and the office, glad to be rid of the cruel Professor. They walked down the wide halls together, going back to their quarters in the South Wing.

The place they and many other strange children like them called both home, school, and refuge was a large ten story tall set of many many buildings with hundreds of strange rooms and places. Even some of the older residents hadn't been able to discover all of the rooms and secrets the place held, but most if not all children were able to navigate the buildings somewhat.

This extraordinary place on the edge of space, time, and reality was simply called The House.

  "I'm sorry he is like that," Annie sighed, glancing at her friend. Ever since they met the two had become very close friends, doing almost everything together.

  "Eh, it's not your fault he's an old hag," Warlock slightly smiled, using the name so graciously given to Professor Swindle by many bitter students.

He thumbed the pin on his and everyone else's uniforms that had the same logo: a large circle containing a picture of a pocket watch with banners stating the words "Hoc loco meo" at the top and "et usque in aeternum semper" at the bottom. Both phrases were Latin, roughly translating to "This is my place" "always and forever". Some were uncomfortable by it, some made fun of it, some didn't mind and others didn't care. 

  A fifteen year old from their cabinet caught up to them, a bit breathless. Cabinets were very diverse groups that were formed to randomly divide up the vast number of children and teens. Cabinets lived and did most everything together, and each had their own space. The cabinets were also known to be like family to each other, a hint of something that they were robbed of when they were younger. Warlock and Annie were currently assigned to the small Foxtrot cabinet, composed of only about twenty members.

  The fifteen year old was a tall pretty Hispanic girl with long straight hair and pretty brown eyes, born in about 2034 until taken here. She looped her arms around Warlock and Annie's, continuing forward.

"Hey Maya!" Annie exclaimed happily.

"Hey hey hey my good fellows. Just heard that Foxtrot and Matterhorn are having another soccer competition," she informed them with a smile. "You're one of the best we got, up for it magic boy?"

"Of course!" Warlock beamed, nodding ecstatically. "This will finally be my year to beat Lam!"

"We've got nothing but confidence for you Warlock. Practice is later today, so be ready!" Maya informed.

"I will!" The boy assured as they pasted through more hallways, nodding to others passing by.

"Race ya there!" Maya suddenly exclaimed, jogging fast but not too fast up some stairs and down the halls, Annie and Warlock close behind.

They soon reached their quarters, which was filled with a bright orange and white theme, from the elegant walls to the furniture. There was a large common room and several doors leading to a few bedrooms that were shared by the residents.

The Foxtrot cabinet contained Warlock, Annie, Maya, Felix, Louis, Genevieve, Marcus, Grace, Alex, Thomas, Sam, Henry, Violet, Miguel, Oliver, Sebastian, Achilles, Alyssa, Feechi, and Akihiro (more commonly known as Ali) all of whom which we shall get to later.

For now the cabinet assembled to discuss their strategy for the game that brought a hint of normal into their lives.

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