As Tony and I were waiting in the lobby for more information about y/n, there was a phone call that was answered soon after it had rung. I could faintly hear the discussion between the receptionist that had answered the phone.

Receptionist: hello? car crash victim? okay, have you got any information on the victim, like a name or an age? you don't know his last name is that correct? okay, and you say his ID said he is 20 and his name is Nick. His ID was burned but the last name started with Aus, okay, we'll get a room ready

Holy shit, Nick was in a car accident

Ondreaz: Tony

I tapped his shoulder, and he turned around to face me while replying to me with a simple sign

Ondreaz: Nick was in an accident i heard the receptionist say his name

Tony: how do you know it was Nick, it could've been another Nick

Ondreaz: she said his full name and his age, if it's not him then it'll be really coincidental, that there is another 20 year old Nick Austin in LA 

Tony: did they say his last name?

I didn't say anything 

Tony: when will we get a break

Ondreaz: i'm not thinking about us, i'm thinking about the health of our sister and our best friend

I watched tony as he rolled his eye's and walked away from me, he headed towards the water fountain and vending machines located in the corner of the waiting room. I turned away from tony focusing on the emergency entrance we used to get in to the hospital, hoping that i wouldn't see Nick being hurried in on a gurney.

I stood staring at the entrance, for a while watched as people were being wheeled in on gurney's, non of which were Nick. I decided to drop my theory and claim it as a coincidence, so i walked over to Tony who was still in the corner of the room by the vending machines. As soon as i reached him he looked up at me, i was about to saw something but i was interrupted by the sound of people rushing speaking at each other, i heard all i needed to too realise what was happeneing

paramedic: male, about 19 or 20, car crash

I looked at my brother before we ran over to where all the commotion was coming from, where we saw someone on a gurney. As we walked closer we could hear them discussing the injury's on the patient

paramedic: scratches everywhere, 2nd and 3rd degree burns on arms, to many injuries to count

doctor: do you know his name?

paramedic : we believe his name to be Nick, Nick Austin

Nick's POV:

As i headed for the hospital, i couldn't help but think about the girl who had walked into my life and changed it for the better, my thought ran wild through my mind.

This is your fault Nick. If only your feelings weren't so all over the place maybe you could've got the girl of your dream. If only you had figured out your feelings for her sooner, non of this would've happened. It should've been you Nick that had die-

My thoughts were interrupted by, the loud honk of a horn that came from in front of me, as a lorry sped towards i tried to get out of the way of the out of control driver but it was too late. The nose of the lorry had struck the side of my car causing it to topple over on its side. There was fire everywhere, smoke filling up the car. I tried to stay awake for as long as i could but it was almost impossible, my mind was telling me that i just had to see y/n but my body was telling me to shut off. I went for option 2, causing my body to slowly fall asleep, not caring about the consequences of my choice, i got my wish, it was probably going to be me that died, i just hope that y/n didn't. The last thought that wandered through my brain was

I love you y/n


ummmmm, that just happened, i thought i would spice it up a bit, look's like Nick's isn't doing to well himself, 

Will Nick survive?

Comment your answer, i will answer all, if you are reading this soon after the uploads, but if it's been a while, ill try to answer as many as i can. As usual tell me if you would like me to change anything, or if you have any ideas or theories about the future of the story. Please tell me if i had made any mistakes and i will as soon as possible.

 Thank you so much for reading, i can't believe that we are almost at 5k read's, love you all so much. Byeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Word Count: 1458 ♥

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