Part 21 :)

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Kouvr's POV:

Jaden: exactly, so that's why we need to go now, Nick's in pain and he might do something reckless if we don't get there quick

I quickly grabbed Alex's hand and lead him to his car, with Calvin, Patrick and Michael trailing behind us and jumping into the car after we did. Before Alex started the car i looked up at him with tears in my eye's and spoke, my voice breaking almost every word.

Kouvr: Alex, im scared, what if she doesn't make it

Alex: she will, she's been through alot

Patrick: she's the strongest person i have ever known

Michael: we are all scared, but we know that will come through

Calvin: okay let's get to the hospital quick

With that Alex started the car and pulled out of the driveway and began heading towards the hospital. 

The journey was almost silent, with nothing but the quite mumbles of the radio and the view of the dark sky to amuse us. As we were driving something caught my eye, a car on the side of the road, on fire, the was a lorry in the side of it. As i looked closer i could see that the driver of the lorry was coughing and trying to open the lorry door, but failing. 

Kouvr: alex pull over

Alex: why, we need to get to the hospital

Kouvr: i know, but we might be able to save more lives, look to your right

He looked over at the crash and immediately pulled over to the side of the road, trying to say as close as he could to the collision without being in danger. I got out of the car and ran up to the lorry, i attempted to open the door but failed everytime. So i told the driver to give me a second and ran up to Michael who was still in the car, watching as the scene got more and more intense. I opened the door and grabbed him arm, dragging him along to the lorry. He went up the lorry door and opened it straight away, them proceeded to help the man out of the tall vehicle. When the man reached the floor, i asked him if he was okay, which he nodded to in reply. 

Kouvr: Michael, stay with him

Michael said a simple "k" in reply and talked to the man, comforting him and making sure he was okay. I turned away from them and headed back over to Calvin who was by the car, his face was being lit up by the light of his phone as he was talking into it. As i got closer i realized that he was on the phone to 911. I went up to Calvin and mouthed to him 

Kouvr: everything ok?

He nodded. I looked around in search of Alex and Patrick, when i found them they were in the car trying to help out the man in the drivers seat of the hot car which had smoke coming out of the hood. I ran over to them, with worry in my voice i said

Kouvr: Alex be careful, it could go up in flames any second

When i got to the car there was a man cradled in Alex' arms, Alex was speaking to him, i couldn't understand why he was talking to him, until i saw who it was

Kouvr: no this can't be, why, WHY, NOOOOOO

I broke down at the sight. I could the distant chimes of an ambulance coming closer and closer, when they stopped i saw Paramedic's running to Alex and another attending to the man who was being comforted by Michael. All i could think was

What have we done to deserve this? no one deserves this much pain

Ondreaz' POV: 

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