Part 20 :)

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Nick's POV: 

I watched as Y/N sped away in the ambulance with her brothers. We all stayed outside for a while trying to process what had just happened. Then someone spoke up.

Chase: Tony just texted me to say that we should stay here fora bit while the doctors get more information about her and what's going to happen to her, and overall what the chances of her surving are.

Nick: so we are just supposed to sit here and wait until she dies, yeah no, i'm following them to the hospital

Chase: Nick listen, he was told this by a doctor, we can't go in, there would be no point of going to the hospital, you simply wouldn't be allowed in

I huffed at him and we all stood in silence again. It took a while for me to gain the courage to go in, because all i could think about was how it was my fault she did this to herself, but i went in anyway. Everyone trailed behind me as i went upstairs to our room again, when i got in and sat on the bed while the others walked around the room talking. I couldn't stop myself from staring into the bathroom, at the floor, at all the blood. Then the door closed, making me snap out of my trance, i looked up trying to figure out who closed it. I saw Chase giving me a slight smile, which i returned. The only noise in the room was the quite whispering of the small groups talking about god knows what. Until someone spoke up

Kouvr: Nick? there's something you might want to read

I looked over at her on the floor sat with Alex with a piece of paper in her hands, so i walked over and sat opposite her. She reached her hand out towards me, with the note in her hand.

Nick: i can't do it

Kouvr: what do you mean?

Nick: i just can't

Alex: do you want me to?

I nodded, Alex was about to begin reading when i interrupted him before he could start

Nick: shouldn't everyone hear this?

He nodded

Alex: guy's listen up, Y/N left a note, and i know that a lot of you wont be able to to read it so i'm just going to read it out to everyone to make it easier for everyone

Everyone turned their attention to Alex and he began to speak

Alex: "Dear anyone reading this, By the time you read this i will be gone, out of your way"

Nick: out of our way? fuck sake, this is all my fault i made her feel like this, i drove her to doing this to herself, i can't do anything right, it should've been me not her

Thomas: Nick just listen 

Alex: want me to carry on? 

An array of nods and yes' floated around, so Alex began reading again with pain in his voice 

Alex: "i'm sorry for what i have done. I was in pain, and a lot of it, i couldn't stop thinking about my mom and her boyfriends, and Nick and Noah and my brothers and how much pain and chaos i have caused everyone since i moved out here. Tony and Ondreaz, i love you so much and i will always love you, remember that i will be watching over you forever and if your in pain i hope you know that i never intended on hurting either of you, i did this for everyone, to get me out of your way, i need you both to carry of with your lives and pursue your dreams of being dancers, and dre i know that you can sing so please do something with your voice, show the world your talent. Nick, Teddy Bear" 

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