Part 16 :)

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I woke up to voices trying to whisper, when i tried to get up i couldn't, i looked over to my left and saw Calvin with his arm and one of his legs across my body, he was asleep. I nudged him gently, waking him up slowly, once he had opened his eyes fully he looked at me

Y/N: yo, sleepy head, mind getting off me

He looked down and saw how he was positioned, i chuckled as he got off me

Calvin: sorry about that

Y/N: its good

I looked to my right and saw Patrick on his phone watching TikToks, i swiped on his phone revealing the time

Y/N: holy shit, its almost 4 in the afternoon

Patrick: we were watching movies until like 9am

Y/N: well my sleep schedule is fucked

Calvin: yeah

Alex opened the tent "door" and Kouvr and Alex got in

Kouvr: my sleep schedule has been fucked ever since we starting living with these two

She said sitting down and pointing Alex and Calvin. We all just talked for a while, i briefly explained where i was and why i was at the hill, which lead to me explaining what my life was like after my brother left and what happened to me while they were gone. I shed a few tears while i laid my head on Kouvr's lap while she stroked my hair. By the time we had finished talking it was around 6 and we were all hungry, so we all got up out of the tent and were about to go down stairs when Kouvr pulled me aside.

Kouvr: Y/N we don't have to go down, they boys could get us food and we could stay up here

Y/N: i need to get out and tell everyone that im okay, my phone is blowing up and no one knows i'm here, i need to do it

Kouvr: okay but if Nick goes anywhere near you, i'm getting Paper and Micheal to box a bitch

We both laughed and hugged one last time before heading down stairs, i stayed close to her. When we reached the bottom Kouvr called out to everyone 

Kouvr: guys i've got something for you all

Which made them all look at her, they switched their eyes to me and gasped. Tony and Dre called my name and ran over to me, Dre engulfed me in a hug first, i looked up at tony who was behind him, still hugging Ondreaz, i saw that Tony had tears beginning to form in his eyes. I let go of Dre and put my arms out towards Tony, telling him to hug me. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he wrapped his arms around me. We pulled away, both sobbing

Tony: don't do that again you hear me

He said laughing through his tears, i laughed in reply and nodded, then brought him in for one more brief hug. As we pulled away i looked over towards the kitchen to see Nick, with the one and only DaRiAnKa talking, he looked over at me for a second, then looking away and proceeding with talking. After a while he looked back,i simply rolled my eyes and continued to hug my friends and talk to them.

I didn't know what to do, i had spoken to everyone in the house but Nick, i couldn't tell if i wanted to see him, the only thing i knew was that i definitely did not want to hear his bullshit of an apology, at least i don't think so, well not yet. 

Paper, Michael and i went to the kitchen for food because i hadn't eaten for almost 24 hours, of course Michael got pop tarts, while Paper ate some little snacks, i grabbed Kouvr from the living room and asked everyone if they wanted some food, of course i asked her to ask Nick. Almost everyone said yes so we went to the kitchen and got out:

new beginnings // nick.austinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ