Chapter 3: 16

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“Jen! You need to get up, it's ten o'clock!”

Again? I think. It's not like it is... wait, it is Sunday! O, snap, I'm going to be late!

Wait, again. What is Mom doing here in my dorm? Did Tiffany let her in or something?

“Jen!” I hear a door swing open and footsteps enter in. “You need to get up, young lady.”

“Mom?” I ask with the covers over my head. “Don't take this wrong... but what are you doing here? I'm asking in the nicest way possible.”

“This might be your room, Miss, but this is my and your father's house. Now get up! You're going to be late!” At that, a door shuts closed. Man, was she miffed!

Hold up, what did she say? I throw off the covers and look around the room. Purple walls decorate the small room, cluttered with little postings on it. A closet was to the right of the also purple bed that I was lying in. Two moon chairs, one blue and the other pink, each held their own pile of clothes. The dresser, which was on the left side of the room, held what looked like a diary, make up, hair things, and some jewelry.

This was not only a teenage room. This was my teenage room. What am I doing here? I stretch my arms and legs, trying to understand all of this. A frown spreads across my face when I realize two things. One, my pajamas are different. I'm wearing a floral green gown over my... slimmer, less curvier body. That was the second thing. I rub my hips a little bit, and I notice how they weren't as curvy as they used to be. And my chest isn't as.... ahem.... developed as it was before.

What on earth?

Biting my lip, I grab my hair and begin twirling it with my fingers. Don't judge, everyone has their own nervous habits. Though I don't get far with my hair. “What?” I ask out loud when I pull my hair in front of me. Or, sort of. It's light and shorter! What the crap?!

I jump out of bed and run to the dresser mirror and instantly regret it. “What....” I say again. I'm.... younger.

Not make up, surgery, or look younger kind of day, but I mean I'm younger! Four years younger to be exact! “I'm sixteen!” I yell at the mirror. I stare at my reflection, wanting her to do something. However, the teenager only stares back at me with identical pleading eyes.

“Jen, come on! You leave in less than an hour!” I try to comprehend Mom's words, but they don't make much sense. How does someone just become sixteen again? It just isn't possible!

I shake my head, letting my now shoulder length hair gently slap my head. “No, no, no. This is just a dream. I'm twenty years old. I have a boyfriend named Isaac. I'm in college, doing summer terms right now. This is my second year. I share a dorm with my roommate, and her name is Tiffany.” I mutter different things, squeezing my eyes tight so I can open it to my real life. However, it doesn't happen when I open my eyes.

Looking up, I whisper quietly. “Father, please hear my prayer. I'm scared, and I don't know what to do. Please help me and please let this be a dream. In your Son's precious and holy name, amen.” It is just then that I notice a yellow sticky note on the right corner of my mirror.

Cocking my head, I carefully pull off the note and read it in my head. It reads directly as this.

Dear, Jenna Bree Simpson,

You may have all ready discovered the situation you are in, or you may have yet to figure that out. No matter, I shall describe it to you anyhow.

You had made a wish on a cupcake on your birthday, and have pretty much prayed for that exact wish almost every night. So your prayer has been answered and your wish has been granted.

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