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It was an unusually cold morning in Washington D.C. Leroy Jethro Gibbs felt the cold in his bones as he strode to NCIS headquarters from his car. The call from Director Shepard about a new case was unexpected so early in the day. He knew the case must be important and rushed himself to work, he didn't even stop for a coffee on the way. Feeling gruff and grouchy without his morning pick-me-up, he stepped into the elevator to head up to the bullpen. The doors opened and Gibbs saw that he had arrived to the office first. Instead of heading towards his desk, he marched straight past it and up to the Director's office. Cynthia was not at her desk, so Gibbs took it that he could go straight in.

"Case sounded urgent, Director." Gibbs stated, as though to announce himself.

"It is, Jethro." The red-haired woman replied. She swivelled her chair round to face him. "Are your team in yet?"

"Not yet, they are on their way. We'll be out to the scene in twenty." Gibbs replied, noticing the urgency in her voice. "What have we got?"

"A string of murders, Jethro. All Navy, all killed in the same way. I need you to catch this SOB before we start getting panic-stricken sailors. This is already starting to leak out and Sec-Nav is not sure how long he can contain it." Director Shepard explained.

"Serial killer?" Gibbs questioned.

"Most likely, Agent Gibbs." She replied. Gibbs nodded. Knowing he needed to work quickly and effectively, he turned on his heel and headed back to the bullpen. He paused at the door as the Director called out to him, "I have agencies itching to get their hands on this one, Jethro. I won't be able to hold them off for long."

"Understood, Director." Gibbs stated without turning around. The next few days were going to be a long one he noted to himself. Heading to his seat, he sat down and waited for the arrivaly of his team. Like clockwork they entered one by one, Ziva David - Mossad Officer - first, Tim McGee second and Tony DiNozzo last. As soon as Tony dropped his bag, Gibbs stood up.

"Grab your gear, dead sailors." He stated.

"Woah, wait. Sailors, plural?" DiNozzo asked incredulously.

"Something wrong with your hearing, DiNozzo. Sailors, plural. Let's go." Gibbs replied, marching past Tony and Ziva's desks. The three agents scrambled with their bags and guns, and followed Gibbs to the elevator.

"How many dead sailors, Gibbs?" Asked Ziva.

"Don't know." He replied.

"Where are we going?" Asked McGee.

"Arlington." Gibbs replied. The elevator doors pinged open. "McGee, you and Ziva in the van. DiNozzo, you're with me in the Dodge."

"On it, boss." DiNozzo replied, running round the car to get to the passenger side. The drive to Arlington was quiet. Gibbs didn't speak and DiNozzo was too tired to. Gibbs welcomed the silence. He knew he had to be prepared for the case, and he needed to lead the team effectively once again.


The team arrived and McGee pulled up behind the Dodge minutes after Gibbs and DiNozzo got out of the car.

"You guys NCIS?" A security guard asked as they stride over to the police tape. Gibbs nodded.

"Special agent Gibbs, uh, what are we lookin' at here?" Gibbs asked, peering over the man's shoulder.

"Some bodies." The man replied.

"Some?" Asked DiNozzo.

"Yeah, well. Uh, you will be best just seeing it for yourself." The man replied. Confused by his reply, the team followed him to the crime scene. Outside were police officers, some looked white as ghosts, one man was throwing up out of his car. The team entered the house and what they were met with horrified them.

The crime scene covered the entire lounge room. Blood splattered over every wall, body parts were strewn across the entire room. Gibbs felt a cold fury in his gut, he was going to catch this bastard at any costs.

"Looks like a scene from 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'." DiNozzo notes with a grimace. He wasn't wrong.

"DiNozzo, crime scene photos. McGee, bag and tag. Ziva, you're with me." Gibbs ordered.

"On it, boss." Replied McGee and DiNozzo at the same time. Gibbs turned to one of the police officers near the door.

"Any shots fired?" He asked him.

"No, no one heard a thing. This was found by the son coming home from a party." The officer replied.

"Where is the son?" Asked Ziva.

"In the back of my squad car. He isn't holding up so well." Came the reply.

"Quite understandable, given the circumstances." Ziva noted.

"Ziva, you get down every piece of information the officers have. I'll talk to the boy." Gibbs ordered, a soft touch would be needed here. He marched over to the squad car the boy was in. The boy looked up as he approached.

"Hey, I'm Special Agent Gibbs from NCIS." He introduced himself.

"I'm Steven. Are you here to catch the guy who did this?" The boy asked.

"I'm going to do my best to catch whoever did this, Steven. Can you remember what happened last night?" Gibbs asked.

"I was at a friend's birthday party. It hadn't got so late, maybe 11.30, but his mum had insisted on driving me home after the party as it was dark. I was gonna just walk home." Steven replied, tears were starting to well up in his eyes.

"We can do this later, if you need to." Gibbs stayed, feeling total sympathy towards the young boy.

"No. It has to be now." The boy replied with resolve. "I didn't see anyone. The first thing I saw wa-was that." He said pointing at the house. Gibbs nodded.

"If you need anything, at all, you can call this number." Gibbs replied, handing over his NCIS card. The boy's life had changed in the blink of an eye.

"What will happen to me now?" Steven asked.

Shaking his head, Gibbs replied, "I don't know, social services will look after you until they can find any relatives or guardians." Steven nodded his head. He turned away from Gibbs and Gibbs took it as his cue to leave. He stalked back towards the house but was interrupted by Ziva.

"Gibbs, local Leos think this happened between 11pm and 1am." She informed him.

"Yeah, adds up with the witnesses timings too." Gibbs replied. His phone started ringing, he looked to see who was calling. It was Director Shepard. Knowing he had to take it, he walked from Ziva, calling back to her, "finish up here, get McGee and DiNozzo and head back when Ducky is finished with the bodies." She nodded to him.

Gibbs answered his still calling phone. "Director."

"Gibbs, I need you back at the Navy Yard. ASAP." She replied, curtly.

"On my way." Gibbs replied in a similar fashion, ending the call as he did.

Fight or Flight: An NCIS/Criminal Minds CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now