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Delfina Alzamendi-Arias

September 25, 2027

Office: 155 5531 868

Fax: 955 5898 224

Mail: delfina . alzamendi @ management . arg

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Latin Grammy winner Matteo Balsano and his fianceé, Olympic Gold Medalist Sol Benson, were wed last weekend in a ceremony in Cancún, México. The groom's parents, former Prime Secretaries Marco and Luciana Balsano, his cousin Flor Costa along with a few close friends accompanied him on this day. The bride was given away by her adopted parents, Miguel and Mónica Valente.

"The last two years have been the happiest of our lives, and we're excited to spend the rest of it together. We're grateful we got to live this moment alongside those we care and love. We hope our fans and followers share our happiness, too."

The bride chose to wear a Yam Sánchez original, as did her attendants Jimena Medina and the designer herself. Gastón Périda served as best man, while Nina Simonetti served as Matron of Honor. The ceremony was officiated by a local priest. A few recognizable names also in attendance were: singer Simón Álvarez, actor Ámbar Smith, and Olympic medalist Marissa Mint.

On November, Matteo Balsano will release his new album Luna; with his new single Allá Voy coming out in October, and Sol Balsano will begin preparations for the expansion of her rink, Alas. 

The bride and groom are honeymooning in an undisclosed location, and ask for privacy at this time. They will make themselves available for interviews upon their return. No more details shall be given until then. Wedding pictures are attached.


believe it or not, the plan all along has been for the epilogue to be something press-related. i toyed with the idea of writing one of those long articles explaining the timeline of 'soltteo' (ultimately culminating in either their wedding or their child being born or something) however as fun as those are to write, i thought it'd be a good contrast to make it a press release of their own instead, since the press was wrong like, lit all the time in this story, lmao. i hope y'all aren't disappointed.

so, this is it. again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading. please try and stay safe wherever you are .X

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