we know the end (ii/iii)

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Not even gonna lie, I've been procrastinating. I hate saying goodbye, and I've been so,,,, idk??? to actually let it go that I figured if I didn't acknowledged it then I didn't have to. Obviously, that was very selfish of me, and for that, I apologize. Y'all deserve better than that. I had over half of this done earlier this year, but I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. Last part is still unwritten, and my finals are coming up next week, so it's probably gonna be at least another couple of weeks more until i post again.

"Make her bun a little looser." Yam instructed the hairdresser doing her hair, the way her voice sounded told her she was losing her patience. Thankfully, her days as a bridezilla were coming to an end later today, and her friend could calm herself on her month-long honeymoon in the Caribbean. "Her hairpin needs to be as tight as possible, use how many bobby pins you need without them being visible." Luna could hear the poor woman in charge of her hair muttering a not-so-nice response to her, but wisely did as told.

"Everything's gonna be fine, Yam, and I seriously doubt anyone will pay attention to me with you standing at the altar. You look more than gorgeous." She complimented her, smiling reassuringly at the bride. Yam managed to return her smile with her own, small one; before repeating the schedule for what to had to be the twelfth time in an hour. Luna tuned her out for a moment, inspecting her appearance on the mirror. Her make up had be done over a half an hour ago, and her hair would be done any minute... soon enough she'd have her dress on and the show would begin.

"... remember Ramiro and I decided to sell the exclusive to a small fashion magazine, so there will be two photographers instead of just one snapping away. I told them to keep to themselves during the ceremony, don't be surprised if afterwards you get flashed on." The last bit was directed mainly at her, but she shrugged it off, knowing there was no way they'd photograph her more than they would the bride and groom.

Jim, Nina and Lara, the other bridesmaid and Yam's cousin, also rested importance to this. "As long as they get our good angles." Was all Jim said on that matter, scrolling down her phone as her own hairdresser curled the last of her hair. The rest of the girls merely shrugged the matter.

"Hey, Yam, is it okay if I take some of my pictures with Gastón? He just texted me, and I told him I'd ask you."

The bride nodded. "Sure, just not the ones with the bridal party, please. I don't want to have to erase him from the pictures if it doesn't work out."

"I have to say, I still can't believe that out of everyone, it's Nina who has a date outside the bridal party. It's always the quiet ones..." Jim commented, wriggling her eyebrows in said girl's direction.

Luna's best friend blushed, shaking her head repeatedly. "It's not like, a date-date. He's just doing me a favor, since we are just friends."

"Weren't you seeing someone, Jim?" Luna spoke when she saw the redhead's intention of continuing her teasing. Nina shot her a quick, grateful look.

"Yeah, but it's kinda new, so I told him he couldn't come. I'm gonna be super busy as the maid of honor, anyway, so he'd spend most – if not the whole night- alone. He'd get bored out of his mind."

"It's not Nico, is it?" Lara, Yam's cousin, asked her. Jim's horrified face made the rest of the girls break out in giggles.


Yam was still laughing when she told them, "he marked his attendance card saying he was bringing a plus one, so it's safe to say, Jim's in the clear from making that mistake again tonight." Her friend sighed out dramatically, resulting in a louder laughter.

masters of the scene | lutteo auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora