6.1: The Truth

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Luo Yi's PoV

"It's almost 8pm Luo. Let's prepare."

Master said as he looked at his watch, it's been minutes since we've finished our supper, and to the party tonight, I'm gonna use my best outfit that I've kept for years.

It's Time...... For you to fall for me my master.....


Yu Zhong's PoV

It's already 7:40pm. I'm already waiting for 15 minutes & she's not done yet?! Why girls are so—

I stopped ranting in my head as I stare at her, stunned. Her face, the lips, and her outfit. Damn, she's so stunning. I can't say anything Right now.

"How do I look my master~?"

I snapped out of my thoughts as she's now standing in front of me. My cheeks are now heating up as I feel her breath towards me.

"Y-You look..... Perfect." I looked away as I'm trying to hid my face from her. Why this Woman– she always makes my cheeks heat up like a fire, gordamnit. Inner Zhong thought.

"Thank you Master~ you look elegant yourself." She bypassed me with a grin on her face. Her blouse is absolutely gorgeous & I can see her small cleavage but I didn't mind it anyways.

She also wore a high heels, which she can almost have the same height as me and she also wore a Maxi Skirt for the party tonight.

Imagine that she's my bride alrea

Wait! No! Zhong! Don't fall in love with her!  She's your servant & no one else!

"Here you go master, use this perfume so that you'll be more attractively fragrant~" Luo came back and bought me a small perfume from her cabinet, and I accepted her offer & I started to spray my shoulders up.

As I'm finished spraying myself, I return it back to her & I sniffed the perfume around my shoulders and it does smell good.

I wore a usual formal suit that I usually wore in events for tonight, and trust me, I ain't that charming towards her. Right?

Should I confess my Feelings towards her now?

Maybe it's not the time yet. I'll just wait.

I took a glimpse on my left wrist to see what time is it & I immediately rushed to her & asked her to create a portal now to go there because it's 7:50pm already.


We are now 5 minutes late & it seems the party didn't even start yet. I think the Princess must have invited everybody....

We are now in the 'fall in line' section & silent fills the atmosphere because neither of us are talking. It's getting awkward and I had no idea on what to do now....

Right now we are distance away from the princess & the people who are in  front of us is a Couple who both came from the royal family & both of them had curly hairs while his partner gave the princess a small white envelope  to her.

Wait, that must be the invitation envelope! I think I didn't throw it away....

"Don't worry about the Envelope now Master, I got it." Luo Finally spoke & she showed me the invitation Envelope. A snile escaped from my lips & I held her right hand tightly & gently shaking it in a friendly way.

"You are so responsible aboutthise stuffs aye—"

"No Matser. The invitation envelope is required before we get inside the palace to show the proof that you're invited." Luo cutted me off & she explained sincerely. I ooh-ed as a reply & few minutes after it's our turn already. The couple left & find themselves a seat.

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