17.1: The Encounter

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Dyrroth's PoV

"Alright, demons. Let's take down the city first before we'll encounter the Dragon's lair here." Alice instructed the other demons on where to attack when we're gonna arrive to that Cadia Riverlands place on what she said.

I felt really bored listening to her instructions to other demons. Usually, demons like myself shouldn't be bored of these & we must listen attentively in order to succeed the plan without repeating it again.

But for me, However, I'm one stubborn idiot and tell you what, Alice fears me a lot. Literally. She don't even bother annoy me because she's afraid to unleash my full wrath.

*Yawn* man, If Alice won't stop nagging, then I might fall into slumber. Her words is like a sleeping pill, honestly.

"Blah blah blah blah... Blah...? Blah blah?"

I hope she won't notice me sleepi—


She shouted in front of my face, causing me to startle a bit & gained confidence after she called me out.

"Uh, H-Hey... Alice... Wha—"

"Are you listening to what I said?"

"Uhm.... Yes?" I lied to her as shivers went through my spine.

Okay, I was wrong. Everyone even me fears Alice a lot. Not only because she's the queen, but because she's gonna end thier lives in a nutsh— I mean, Miserable.

And to my surprise, she sighed. Wow, that's new. I thought.

"You know what, Forget it. Dyrroth, I want you to go to the Necrokeep and ask Vexana if she wants to join in our invasion." Alice Briefly explained. I sighed as I stood up and went to Necrokeep. Well, I guess this invasion will be easy now if she agrees.

Hoping I can convince her though.


3rd Person

The 4 oriental fighters are now all set for the vacation. Zilong is very excited about it.

Usually, Luo Yi wakes up early and prepare her stuffs, but knowing Yu Zhong is around, she will most likely be waking up late cause they're maybe cuddling, playing video games at night, etc...

Zilong's patience is running off and he decided to check her in her room, but it's locked.

He knocked the door twice before he spoke: "Luo Yi, wake up already, it's almost time for our vacation." Zilong patiently waited for her response, but however, Neither both Luo Yi or Yu Zhong responded.

He sighed in defeat and decided to went back to the living room with the other 3 oriental fighters and watched TV along with them.


Luo Yi's PoV

My body was tired after those thrusts that Yu Zhong gave me. His big dragon cock was too big enough to handle my wet clit.

With all those s*x moments, I completely forget about the Vacation. I haven't prepared for it. I should've prepared last night... But I didn't expected master will punish me like this.

Although it was my first and maybe my last time, it was pretty fun, yet painful. I don't wanna have s*x with someone ever again. The pleasures is just too much for me to handle and It traumatized me.

I sat up to my bed, and Yu Zhong groaned.

"Ugh... What's the matter... Love?"
He asked with his lovely tone. I couldn't help but to blush.

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