Having You Is Heaven

Start from the beginning

When im finish my word, i saw a beautiful tears fell from your eyes

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When im finish my word, i saw a beautiful tears fell from your eyes. And when you nod as a yes and hug me, i feel that is my memorial day to us. That day was one part of our story that you never imagine.

3 months being my fiancee, you officially be my wife. That time, when i see you walking straight to me, i felt that i saw a princess who shine bright walk and ready to be my queen.

We said our vows together and when i kiss you, you smile softly and when i kiss your forehead, your smile bacome more wider. That day was our new journey to be a husband-wife.

11 months marrying you, you suddenly acted weird. You ignored my hug and when i try to asked you okay or not, you just keep silence. Its been 1 week you acting like that.

Once that day you crying loudly at midnight. I calmed you and you cant just stop cry. I also thought why your tears can stop falling and why you acting like that. The next day, i bring you meet a doctor.

Miracle thing that we never expect it, you pregnant 2 weeks. I was the happiest guy in my life that time.

Not a single bit i miss searching info and ways to cared and protect our first child. I dont cared if it boy or girl, still it my priority to make sure you and our children safe in my hand.

9 months you carry my child make me realize that you are the second superwoman that i had in my life. Mother and you being a strong women do everything while carry a child in your belly.

25 August 20XX you born at 1.36 p.m.
That time i was nervous and scared worrying about you and our child. Happy and excited to see our first child and hoping it will pretty like you or me.

When i know that you're safe delivered, i was thankfull that you and our child is safe. Doctor said is a boy, and you want me to name it. After 10 minutes thinking while carrying our son, i suddenlh think of this name. -Jeon Eonwoo-.

But you said you have a maybe better name

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But you said you have a maybe better name. -Jeon Woonmin-. I then smile loving it that suites our son well. I talked to our son while he's sleeping peacefully,

Jeon Woonmin, you now already be our family. You will be a naughty boy who will make your mom smile everyday. You will be a boy who make me proud seeing you grown day by day. You then will be a boy who will protect your sibling. You also will be the one who will protect our family when i was gone. And remember this, it doesnt what people say, you will be always my Jeon boy and always be a first treasure of our lifes. I waited you for 9 months hoping you will born like a diomand. And i also worried about your mother who carry you for whole 9 month keep you grow and healthy day by day. Now you were born and perfectly be official our son that will forever ww love you. I love you my treasure boy, Jeon Woonmin.

After i kiss our son forehead, i see you sobbing and tearing hearing what i was said that time. And i never forget to told that thanks to you, you give me the best present of my entire life. I cant even say anything but being thankfull that angel and little demon that i carry will make my life colorfull everday.

"And now i will make sure any happen to us will be memorial. What was past, is history to us that we will cherished forever. Thank you Jeon Mina. You are my forever angel at here and heaven."

I said to Mina right now who teared up and carried a sleepy our demons. Hoe cute you are, son.

"You too, Wonwoo. Thank you for protecting us like a herk who always protect and stay by our side. I love you, my knight Wonwoo-oppa."

I then kiss her forehead and then kiss Woonmin cheeks.

Forever you still my angel fell from heaven for me and i will be your knights protect like a crystal that no one can touch

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