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Jennie tried to get up from the bed but Taehyung kept on pulling her down... "Mommy~~~" Taehyung whined making her look at the guy... "Yes baby boy?" Jennie asked the innocent guy...

"Don't weeve mwee~ (Don't leave me~)" her baby boy cried out making her chuckle... "I'm not going to leave you baby... I'm just gonna get us some food" she explained making Taehyung wipe his tears and look at her with puppy eyes... "Weewy? (Really?)" the tiger boy asked and she softly nodded at him while smiling making him smile too...

"You want to come with me downstairs?" she softly asked again making the boy nod happily... She pulles him up then took his clothes from the ground and dressed him up... She takes her clothes then dressed herself up then took his hand then intertwined it with hers then walked down the stairs...

"Can you be a good boy and sit down here and wait for mommy?" she suggested to the boy making him smile and nod then sat on the chair od the dining table while watching Jennie cook...

"We're going to eat pancakes... Do you want to eat pancakes or do you want something else?" Jennie asked Taehyung who was silently watching his 'mommy' in the kitchen... "Awasseo mwommy (Arasseo mommy)" he cutely agreed while smiling at her...


Jennie puts a pancake on Taehyung's plate then puts maple syrup and butter on it... "Eat up little one" she said making Taehyung put a piece of the pancake in his mouth...

"Does it taste good?" she asked the innocent guy who is eating all his pancakes on his plate... "Ne~" Taehyung answers while swallowing down his breakfast...

Jennie finishes her pancakes right after Taehyung and then she washes the plates then dries them... While drying them, she heard a loud noise coming from the living room...

She puts down the plate then ran to the living room... And saw... That all the pillows were on the ground, one of the picture frames were on the ground-gladly not shattered- and Taehyung on the floor throwing a hissy-fit...

Jennie rushed to the kid and looked at his doe eyes... "Wae?" Jennie asked the boy who had tears on his face... "I miss Kookie... I miss Jiminie hyung..." he cried out making her chuckle... "Arasseo, I'll call them" she told him then pulled him up and sat him down on the couch...


Srry if its short and OMGOSH!!!


Anyways, last week I asked y'all to ask me questions... And here are my answers...

-When will you update again?
↪️ Right now. I update this book every Thursday evewy week so don't miss it😊

-How do you feel that all of your books are popular? 💗💗💕💕
↪️ I honestly don't think I'm popular... I don't need popularity at all but I feel proud for myself... I'm just so happy that y'all actually read my books... So thank you all so much💕❤️

Feel free to ask more questions! 😅😊❤️

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