REPOST || PART 5: "Huge Changes"

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Heyy! So I recently realised that I accidentally published the parts in the wrong order, so I deleted one and I'm now posting it again in the right order. Sorry!! Im also going to post the next part soon! ALSO, thank you for 200+ reads, oh wow-


Its been hours, Taka hasn't left his room at all.. Not to even eat, drink, or speak to someone. I'm starting to get worried.. I knocked on his door once every 10 minutes or so, but he didn't reply. I feel like I should just call Sakura to break down the door, but that seems a bit too violent, and I didn't want to bother him... He really needed that alone time right now. After all, he did just watch... That. Who wouldn't be like that if they just watched someone close to them die?.. In fact, two close people. In the same day.. Jeez, maybe I should just leave him until tomorrow.. Besides, he needs rest and I don't want to be the person stopping him from getting sleep. Yeah, I'll probably leave some food by his door and check on him tomorrow. He'll surely be okay by then.


Makoto walked back to his dorm room, sighing after he knocked on the door once more, slightly louder than the others and placed the food in front of Taka's room. Everyone else also made their way back into their room, some yawning and Yasuhiro almost walking into the door because of how tired he was. The Monokuma announcement suddenly popped up on the monitors of the room, frightening some of them from the sudden noise.

“Hello dear Students!~ It is now 10pm. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entrance at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then... Sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the beg bugs bite...~”

The school suddenly became quiet. There was barely any noise...



I woke up the next day after passing out last night hugging my pillow.. I didn't want to wake up anymore. I wanted to fall asleep again and never wake up. My heart hurt badly.. I didn't know what this feeling was. Was it betrayal? The fact my own bro killed my friend..? Or was it that I missed the person who was closest to me of all? I just want to be close to him again.. I wanted to hug him. Hold him close to me.. I missed him so fricking much.. I wanted to see him again-

And thats when the morning announcement came on.. I had to be there early, it would give me a bad reputation if I wasn't the first one there. So I slowly got out of bed, and got ready..


Taka slowly made his way out the room, rushing to the dining hall. He didn't feel anything anymore, his body was numb. Ever since Mondo was executed, his whole world had been upside down. He couldn't live without him. It was only now Taka realised how much he needed Mondo... His bro.

Soon enough, the others walked in, seeing Taka first as always.. Taka seemed really pale, and... Skinny. He hadn't ate ever since last night, afraid of... Yeah. Kyoko walked up to Taka, patting his back. “You should eat. Its unhealthy for you to stay in these conditions.” She said. All that Taka replied with was a small groan, nothing more. “Mmngh..” It was like he was trying to talk, but he couldn't. The male had tears in his eyes, looking stressed as his eyebrows furrowed more than they already were. Everyone looked guiltily at each other.. It felt like all hope had been lost.

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