We were lucky enough to get decent seats that were right in the centre and weren't too near the screen. There weren't many people in here and that's no wonder since this movie has been in cinemas for quite a while now. Megs and I are sandwiched in the middle of Josh and Tom, Tom on my right and Megs on my left. The seats on Tom's end is still empty while there's a family of three on Josh's side. 

Five minutes into the movie, a group of four giggling teenage girls came in. They are hastily looking for their seats now while whispering amongst themselves. What a nuisance. That's why I don't like being late. I guess you could call it FOMO but the way I see it, it's really a lose-lose situation. You miss out on things and the rest of the people gets distracted when you suddenly appear in the room. So always be punctual, kids!

Point in hand, I'm subconsciously aware of their actions instead of focusing on the movie. 

Oops, looks like they are heading our way. Specifically, the four seats situated next to Tom. 


The credits have just started to play, signalling the end of the movie.

I'm fuming. Red with anger. My blood boils just thinking about it. I hate humans. Ugh

Why'd those rowdy girls have to sit right next to us? And why would they come to the cinema only to NOT watch the movie? And why do they have to flirt with Tom? 

And don't get me started on the "subtle" touches on his arm here and there. They can't keep their slimy hands to themselves, is that it? It's f*cking infuriating! 

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not jealous. No, just really irritated because of them, my day is ruined. 

I was so close to telling them off at one point but I held it off because I don't really want to cause a scene. No, I'm going to keep calm and just watch the movie. I'm going to put on my big girl pants.

Besides, those girls only seem to be affecting me. Megs and Josh watched the movie like nobody's business, as usual, cracking up at the appropriate times. Tom is watching the movie. Quietly. It's odd since he didn't even bat an eyelash at me or the girls for that matter. 

He was polite to them, yes, but he isn't really responding in any other way. I feel bad for him, having to endure their rubbish.

As per usual, we waited for the movie credits to run their course. Watching it till the end. Even when most of the people have already left. Thankfully, those girls finally took their leave. 

It's funny how nobody enjoys the credits. How nobody truly watches till the end of the movie. 

Finally, we proceeded to exit the cinema. As I walked out, I could feel myself relaxing. My tense muscles unwinding themselves. Damn those rude moviegoers. 

I yawned, "today has been a loooonnng day. Let's go eat something and go home, kay? I'm exhausted." 

A chorus of agreement sounded all around me, satisfied we all parted ways to head to the restrooms. But a strong grip on my wrist stopped me from doing so. 

Turning to look at the source, I realized it was Tom. His face expresses a myriad of emotions, his eyes stormy like waves crashing against the shores on a dark moonless night.

"Ttom?" Why do I always stutter in situations like these?

"Are you okay?" he asks letting go of my wrist and holding me by my shoulders to lean closely at my face.  

I'm a little embarrassed by his closeness and I'm still irritated. So I did what I always did when I'm annoyed. I push them away and stomped my feet. "Why wouldn't I be? I'm fine! Leave me alone. I'm going to pee." 

"Look is it because of those girls? Are you jealous?" He says quickly but I continued walking away because I could hear the smugness in his voice. I don't feel like talking to a pompous prick right now.  


After that, I avoided talking to him. I wonder if I'd imagined the myriad of emotions I'd seen in him earlier because he seems fine. Too annoyingly fine. He had to rub it in my face throughout dinner. Calling me across the table in a mockingly loving voice or placing bite-sized pieces of food on my plate for me. 

On any other occasion, I'd be happily eating while blushing away. Wanting the moment between us to last forever. 

But I couldn't wish for anything more in contrast to that. I wanted this to be over as soon as possible. I can't stand his annoying face much longer. 

So when we did finally arrive at home, I said goodbye to no one in particular and sprinted away like the hell hounds were chasing me.


You know that moment where some human contact just makes you cry? Writing these emotional scenes makes me wanna cry, it's so damn emotional. This is by far one of the most difficult chapters to write. That's why I personally don't do feelings. So make sure you don't catch any for me. Lol.

Aight somebody better come hug me right now.

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