Chapter Thirty-Five

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Percy reached for Annabeth's hand as they exited the court house. She lightly squeezed his hand and smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her, gently rubbing his thumb across her hand. Annabeth's smile grew as she responded.

"Really good, actually,"

"I think we should get something to celebrate," Percy suggested. Annabeth gave him a quizzical look. "Putting someone in prison for fifteen years isn't something that happens everyday, Wise Girl,"

She laughed a little bit. The two stopped walking and faced each other.

"Well then, where should we go?" She asked him.

"You get to decide. I don't care as long as I'm paying," He took a step closer to her, and their foreheads were basically touching. Percy could smell her minty breath as she spoke.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes at him, "I'll cave, but only because you let me pay last time," Percy pumped his fist in celebration, making Annabeth laugh.

They started walking again, Annabeth pulling Percy along,

"Tell me where we're going, please?" He smiled at her.

She turned to face him, but kept walking backwards, "I know a place that has really good fries," She winked at him and started running in the direction of the diner, Percy close on her tail.


When they made it to the diner, they sat down in a booth and both ordered milkshakes. Percy was happy that Annabeth wanted to go there, because she hadn't been back since he had fought with Luke. But now, he was gone. Out of their lives for good. And Percy was exploding with happiness.

"Percy, I'm not gonna fight you on this again!" Annabeth laughed, then took a sip of her milkshake.

"I won that water war, Chase. And the only reason you don't want to fight me is because you know you'd lose," He said, leaning over the table.

Annabeth scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I am literally the one who finished it! You can't even pretend you won,"

Percy leaned back in his seat, "Agree to disagree then," With that they both burst out laughing.

"I'm glad to see you like this, Annabeth," Percy pointed out.

"Like...what?" She questioned.

"," He shrugged, "You seem to be more yourself now. It makes me happy," Percy smiled at her.

Percy noticed Annabeth's cheeks flush a bit pink.

"I have you to thank for that, Perce. So...thank you. For, uh, everything really," She laughed a little bit. Percy reached his hand across the table and grabbed hers.

"That's what I'm here for," They both smiled at each other, holding eye contact.

"Um, I actually have something to ask's been bugging me for a really long time and I was just kinda thinking...well, you see, last time I asked you-"

"Just spit it out, Percy!" Annabeth laughed.

"Okay, but you can't get mad!" She gave him an odd look, but motioned for him to go on.

"Uh, you know, like, a few months ago...why were you in detention?"

Annabeth looked down at her lap for a moment, then looked up and met Percy's eyes. "You really want to know?" Percy nodded.

"Well," Annabeth sighed, "I kinda got in a fight with someone...over some stupid little thing,"

Percy raised his eyebrows, "And what stupid little thing would that be?"

"This girl was saying shit about someone, and it was all lies and I may have gotten a little upset. That's all,"

"Who's the someone?" Percy asked, a small smile playing on his lips,

"Oh my gods, shut up! It was you, okay!?" Annabeth's face burned red while Percy cracked up. "It's not that funny, Jackson,"

"I'm sorry it's just-just the last thing I expected!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You know what? I have a question for you too," She crossed her arms and looked at Percy pointedly.

"And, uh, what is that?" Suddenly Percy's nerves sky rocketed.

"Right before all this happened. You tried to tell me something. Twice. And both times you were interrupted. Now, tell me, what exactly were you going to say?"

"Oh," Percy swallowed, "I don't really think it matters-"

"Well, it seemed to matter quite a bit at the time. Just tell me. Nothing to be afraid of," Annabeth smirked.

"I wanted to talk about that night," Percy tried to gather more courage, "The party we went to?"

Annabeth nodded her head slowly.

"That stupid kiss. It was all I could think about for weeks. You were all I could think about, Annabeth. You're still all that I think about,"

"Percy, I-"

"I'm sorry, I-I know you've been through a lot and I really shouldn't have told you that. I don't want to lose you. The one month I did, I was a wreck and-"

"Percy!" Annabeth interrupted. "What exactly are you saying?"

He took a deep breath. "I like you. Like, a lot,"

Annabeth smiled a bit.

"I'm sorry, again. You just finished dealing with everything and here I am, all selfish and thinking about my feelings, I-" Before Percy knew what was happening, Annabeth stood, reached over the table and grabbed him by the collar. She pulled him up and planted her lips on his.

She pulled away and sat back down just as quickly. Percy stood there, leaning across the table, a look of shock on his face.

"Did you just-"

"Shut it, Jackson,"

Percy sat back down as a wide smile grew on his face. They sat in silence for a few moments, sipping their milkshakes. But it wasn't long before they were laughing and talking again like normal.

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