Chapter Twenty

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Percy was in absolute agony. He sat across from Annabeth and Luke in a booth, picking at his fries. He was seriously considering stabbing Luke at this point. Of course, he had no real reason to hate Luke. He just felt something was off about him.

As Luke and Annabeth conversed Percy would say snarky things under his breath such as, "Ugh, get a room," "I'm right here you know," and "This was supposed to be my date,"

Annabeth seemed to catch one or two of them, and glared at him for a split second before going all googly eyes over Luke again. Percy really didn't see it. Sure, he was rugged, handsome, and that scar made him look really cool, but Percy wasn't having it. He just knew Luke was bad news.

At one point, Percy got fed up with being a third wheel (he was never the third wheel) and decided to speak up.

"I'm gonna go," Percy started to get up and leave the booth but Annabeth grabbed his wrist and pulled him back a little.

"Why?" She asked him, seemingly innocent. Percy gave her a look that said it all. Maybe not the 'I'm jealous' part but the rest of it. She sighed and turned back to Luke.

"Look, I asked Percy here and I'm gonna walk him home,"

"Shouldn't that be my-"

"Um, I really loved hanging out with you, Luke," Annabeth interrupted, turning all blushy and cute. Percy hated it when she did that. To Luke, at least.

"Yeah, I loved hanging out with you too. We should do it again sometime," He smiled at her. Percy threw up in his mouth a little bit. "Oh! Before you leave, do you have a new number? I wanna be able to stay in touch," Annabeth nodded and they both pulled out their phones.

Percy watched as they exchanged numbers with the most bored look on his face. He truly couldn't stand watching them flirt. They started talking again and Percy tried to creep away, but he felt a hand on his wrist again. He let out an exasperated sigh as Annabeth said goodbye to Luke and started dragging Percy out of the diner. She kept pulling him until they rounded the corner, then she turned to face him with an angry look on her face.

"What's your problem!" She yelled at him.

"My problem?" He asked, "What's your problem!"

"Percy, you were being so rude back there and all Luke was doing was being nice!"

"And flirting with you," Percy mumbled.

"What?" Annabeth asked, a bit shocked.

"Look, Annabeth, it's fine. You obviously like Luke a lot. Now, where is your house?" Percy turned in a circle, looking for what direction to go in.


"Seriously, I just want to go home. So let me take you home? My mom's probably wondering where I am right now," Annabeth was obviously upset, but she started walking down the sidewalk.

They made it all the way to her house without saying a word. As they reached the end of a driveway, Annabeth spoke up.

"This is it," She said bitterly. She started walking up the driveway and Percy stayed where he was.

"Can we-"

"Bye, Annabeth," He threw his skateboard on the ground (A little too harshly) and skated a bit away. He stopped behind a car so he could make sure Annabeth got inside without her knowing he was there. He watched as she sighed and turned to walk into the house.

As soon as she made it in, Percy rode home as fast as he could, wondering if he could possibly be any more stupid.

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