The ABNTT group chat history file #1

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(recovered from Basketball's iPhone on Feb. 23, 2020.)

Dec 24, 2019  4:37 pm

Grassy added 7 others to A Better Name Than That

Grassy, Golf Ball, Blocky, and Robot Flower is online

Golf Ball: who made this

Grassy: Grassy did! 😊

Robot Flower: hey gb be more wholesome would ya

Golf Ball: I never asked for this

Grassy: does golf ball not like grassy chat?

Blocky: golf ball u just poked a bear

Grassy: bears are fuzzy!

Tennis Ball is online

Tennis Ball: hey what's going on my phones dinging like mad

Blocky: scroll up

Tennis Ball: hey let's not discriminate GB like that okay

Golf Ball: thank you tennis ball for understanding

Blocky: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Robot Flower: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Basketball and 8-Ball are online

Basketball: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

8-Ball: hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Grassy: grassy says hmmmmmm too!

Basketball: that is adorable

TV is online

TV: hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Golf Ball: ok could you please stop it's freaking me out

Blocky: I have a theory

Dec 24, 2019  4:39 pm

Blocky added 4 others to Tengolf Must Be Canon

Blocky, Basketball, TV, 8-Ball, and Robot Flower are online

Basketball: I see where you're going with this 😏

Blocky: you know me too well

8-Ball: Alright how are we gonna do this

Robot Flower: we should threaten them to get together


8-Ball: no

Blocky: that's not gonna work

Basketball: and that's not appropriate for them

Basketball: the both of them like order so let's try finding a method that relates to that

Basketball: y'know I think it might make them more comfortable, therefore it might have a higher chance of working out

Robot Flower: dagnabbit I had a chance

TV: how about a blind date

Blocky: we would need to find a convenient time for it

Blocky: who volunteers to ask them when they're free

Basketball: not me, unless everyone else has worse reasons

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