~Two and a half weeks till Christmas!!~

Katniss's P.O.V.

I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes and poked myself in the arm to try and remain awake, but it was no use. I was so close to completing my project, and then I would be done, done with school until the new year. I was assigned an essay about microbiology, and a visual representation comparing unicellular organisms and acellular ones.

But it was also three in the morning and I was too exhausted to even think.

You're so close, I told myself firmly. You can do it.

So it was with a final burst of energy that I completed the finishing touches on the extremely elaborate and complicated diagram that I had spent severAl painstAking hours creating.

And half an hour later, it was finished! I was finished!

I was too tired to even save my essay and close the computer to submit it, so I plopped down on my bed next to Peeta and fell asleep instantly.

~A Few Hours Later~

"Katniss," a voice said, from far away. "Time to get up. It's past lunchtime!"

"Urghhhh," I groaned. "I don't wanna get up..."

"Kaaaatnisssss," the voice calls again. "Your appointment is in half an hour and you need to get ready!"

My appointment?

My appointment!

That's right, I was getting my first pregnancy checkup today! I crawled out of bed with a new burst of energy, and threw on some actual clothes. After making sure my hair didn't look too awful, I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, where Prim and Annie were eating bagels.

"You're finally awake!" Prim said cheerfully. "Peeta told us to remind you that you have an appointment at Noon. He's out shopping now."

"Right," I said, feeling rather rushed by the lack of time. I grabbed a bagel from the bag, and shoved it into my mouth, not Bothering to toast it or even put on cream cheese.

"All right, I've got to go now," I told my sisters, giving them each a gentle squeeze before dashing out the door. I started my car four times before it chugged to life and with that, I was off.

Excited but nervous thoughts flooded my mind, and I wished Peeta was here with me. Then I reminded myself that I was capable of doing anything by myself. Not trying to brag or anything but I did raise two little girls by myself, paid for the bills by myself, and even bought a car and apartment by myself.

So going to the doctor alone would be just fine.

At last, I parked outside and beaded into the waiting room where I fiddled with my fingers nervously.

"Katniss Everdeen?" a voice said. A nurse poked her head through the door and smiled at me. "Come on in," she said.

I followed her down a long hallway until I reached the appointment room. "Come on in," the nurse said. I sat down in one of the hospital beds and let the checkup begin.

Overall, it went quite smoothly. I had to get my blood drawn, but I didn't really mind the pain. Small things like those had less and less effect on me the older I got. After getting the blood test, all I had to do was fill it a brief questionnaire, and then I was finished!

"Remember to eat healthy, avoid alcoholic beverages, and don't over-stress yourself," the doctor told me. "Pregnancy is not as hard as people make it out to be, as long as you take care of yourself."

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