Chapter 40

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I reluctantly stood up from the long grass. The water was murky from it being disrupted so much.

I had to get back, otherwise they'd send out another search party and make this all the more awkward.

I took a mental picture of where I was so I could come back later on when I was feeling out of it.

There was a trail of flattened vegetation from where I trudged through it before. I followed it back through the forest, surprising myself at how far I had actually gotten.

When the field behind my house came into view I groaned. I really didn't want to have to go back there when I knew that they were all still there.

My shoulder slumped when I took another step towards my house. I was going to have to explain to all the guys what Mitch meant by powers because I can guarantee he didn't explain it to them well enough, and that was another thing I wasn't looking forward to.

I cringed at the sound of the door being thrown open. My mom rushed out and basically threw herself at me. I stopped dead in my tracks while she grabbed my arms and shook me.

"What were you thinking!? You just escaped! They could be back at any time!" I jerked out of her grasp and walked right past her, completely ignoring her -at the moment- very obnoxious voice.

I shoved past my dad when he tried to ask me where I went.

I knew coming back here when I knew they would do this was a bad idea! I made a move to start climbing the stairs when Mitch got in my way. All the guys were in the living room either crammed in the couches or on the floor.

I glared at Mitch, hoping that my death stare would make him back down. I was so not in the mood after my mom just ranted at me like I was a child and couldn't take care of myself.

"Look," his hands were held up in surrender. "I'm. Sorry," he said each word with a pause, like he was waiting for me to comprehend his words.

I sighed and let my head fall back so I was looking at the ceiling. I chuckled bitterly and shook my head.

"No, I'm sorry. I've been acting like a witch because you were trying to help me," he chuckled.

"You were acting like one, but you had the right to. I broke the biggest promise you asked me to keep by telling them," I glanced at him and shrugged.

"It could be worse. Could of been Natalie," everyone chuckled, even my parents.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said. I smiled a gave him a small smile and then brushed past him so I could get up the stairs and to my room. Just because I was not trying to strangle anyone like I thought I would right now, I would rather not take the chance of something upsetting me.

"Charisma, don't," I heard my mom call but it only made me get upstairs faster. I took the steps two at a time and slammed my door shut.

I made an exasperated sigh and flopped face first into my comforter.

"Why can't life just be normal for once," I mumbled into the fabric. "Oh yeah, that's right. It's because I'm a freaking science experiment."

I flipped over so I was staring at the ceiling. I brought my hands up so they were right in my line of sight. I flicked my wrist and tiny snowflakes fell onto my face.

I continued to make snow, slowly remembering how I escaped.

I was always going on about how I was a killer and I just destroyed a building filled with people... They could of had kids or people they had to take care of, and I took it all away from them.

I didn't know that I was slowly loosing control until I heard a knock on my door.

"Uh, Car? You're turning the house into a sauna..." it was Austin. I sat up quickly and immediately felt the heat that I was unknowingly making. I guessed that I didn't feel it because I was basically making a snow storm in my room.

"Sorry," I mumbled and focused on bringing the heat down. Slowly but surely, I could feel the temperature going down in the house.

"Thanks," I thought he was leaving until he spoke again. "Can I come in?"

I contemplated whether I should let him in or not. The pros of letting him in out weighed the cons so I apprehensively stood up and went to open to door.

He was standing outside looking at the floor. I could hear faint murmurs from the first floor. They were probably taking about me, I forced the thought out of my mind and left the door open for him to come in.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and faced the wall opposite of the door. I stared blankly at the light brown paint until he sat down beside me.

"Why can't my life just be simple?" I whispered. I sounded broken, exhausted, and I cursed myself.

"What fun would that be? Who want a life like any other persons? It's better when your life is full of surprises," I smiled a bit and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You sound like a Google quote," he chuckled.

"I guess I do, but that can be a good thing, right?" I nodded. He was right.

If my life was like anybody else's, I wouldn't be who I am now. Powers and all.

"I guess I just want it to be normal because of things like what happened before. Getting kidnapped, killing all of the people there with no mercy. It's like it's become a casual thing to just murder. I never asked for this. I just wanted to have a normal life," the wall was blurring in and out of focus with tears that were threatening to spill.

It took him longer to reply this time, like he was deciding on how to answer me. Finally, after what felt like a long, awkwardly silent eternity, he spoke.

"Then change that," and with that he turned his body, making me pull my head up so he was looking straight at me and pressed his lips to mine.

Just like the last time, I was lost in the moment. My eyes fluttered closed and I snaked my arms around his neck. I vaguely felt myself pulling him closer. I prayed that no one decided they were going to walk in, otherwise this would get really awkward.

At first, the kiss was slow and sweet, like he was testing what would happen, but soon, it started to get more heated. He bit my bottom lip asking for entry, I gave it to him. He ran his hands through my hair and I played with the ends of his. This was definitely not the first time he's done this.

We separated for air, which surprised me because I was completely out of breath despite being able to hold it for minutes longer. He started kissing my jaw and neck and I shivered. I felt him smile against my neck when the he felt the shudder. I had my head tilted so he could have better access when he turned my face back to him and gave me one last kiss of the lips.

"I think I'm starting to love you Charisma," my heart skipped a beat and I grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

"I think so too Austin," he joined me into the grin and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Ah-hem," someone cleared their throat from the other side of my door. I jumped and pried myself out of his arms. He stood up and I walked over to the door. I righted my shirt and hair which were a little messed up before I opened the door.

"You okay?" Mitch asked. I nodded and smiled crookedly. He smiled back and motioned to the stairs. "Your parents kinda want you down there," and with that, he raced down the stairs, probably afraid that I was gonna lose it on him.

"Come on, let's go," Austin grabbed my hand and practically had to drag me down the stairs.

I really didn't want to have to talk to them right now. All they were going to do was yell at me for leaving.

I thought about ripping from his grasp and sprinting back to my room, but that plan was chucked out the window when we stepped into the living room.

Here goes nothing...

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