Chapter 18

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Dragging his body wasn't a problem with my strength. It was more the thought that he was dead that was making me want to drop him and run.

I pulled him to sit against his car while I looked for a place. I had searched his entire car and found some garbage bags in the back. Don't ask me why I found them in his car, it was the dead mans property, not mine.

After a while of searching the nearby area, I found a suitable overhanging bit of dirt by some little creek. It was a five minute walk without an extra 200 pounds but it wasn't much.

I bagged his body and heaved it over my shoulder with a grunt. If anyone drove by, they would see me with something covered in garbage bags slung over my shoulder and two cars parked on the side of the road with only one visible person. They'd be smart to call the cops but I'd probably have to melt their phones before they could. And then kill them too. I shuddered at the thought of having to kill anyone else.

Isn't my life just peachy?

Luckily no one drove by. It was a pretty secluded road so I hoped that no one would discover his body. If they did I'd be in lots of trouble. The bag was probably covered in my fingerprints.

I grabbed anything that looked to be useful on him and tossed his cell phone into the water. He had a walkie-talkie which I crushed in my palm.

When I got back to the cars I out the keys in his ignition, hopefully some hobo would come around and take it for a joy ride, help me get rid of the evidence without even knowing.

I jumped in my car and sped away from the crime scene back into town. My cell phone was being blown up by my parents asking if I was okay and where I was. I quickly texted them a few words saying yes I'm fine and I'll be home soon.

As soon as I pulled into the driveway, they came running out the door yelling at me. I forced them back inside and downstairs.

"SomeonefoundmesoIendedupkillinghim," I said it all so fast that it sounded like one word but by the looks on their faces they got the gist of it.

"Are you okay?" Mom spoke quietly.

"Yes, he couldn't even touch me before I froze his heart," my words sounded harsh and demented but it was the only way I could say it.

"No, I mean do you want to talk about it. Are you okay mentally," she looked so saddened that it pained me.

"No, I'm good. No ones going to find him. Hopefully," I bit my lip and stared at the floor.

"So you burned it, Im guessing?" Dad spoke for the first time. His face looked just as sad as moms. I didn't know whether it was because I had to go through this or because they had to live with me and they were scared.

"Burned it? No, why-" I smacked myself in the forehead with my hand. "How could I forget? That would make sure almost no one found him," STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!

"We can drive you back there and you can go do what you need to do," I couldn't believe that mom was helping so much. I shook my head, not wanting them to become involved.

"I'm going back on my own. I will be fine, okay? I can handle myself against anything. If they send choppers for me I'll just crush them. I'm undefeated, and it's going to stay that way," I gave them both hugs and for being so loving considering that I just murdered a man. I murmured thank you and I love you probably more than a hundred times before I got out the door. I told them that if Alice or Austin came by to tell them I was gone out.

While driving down the empty road I sat in silence. I didn't turn the radio on because I felt that it would be a burden at a time like now. Nothing better than singing to Miley Cyrus when you're going to burn a body! Note the obvious sarcasm.

I saw that the dudes car was still there when I pulled over. The sun was starting to set as I got out and sprinted across the long grass. There was a small woods where I hid the body, so it wouldn't be hard to hide the fire.

I spotted the black bag and walked over to grab it. Dragging it into an area large enough for it to lay flat I called on my fire. Once my hands sparked, I shot a stream of flames over the body, successfully burning it to a crisp. I gagged a few times at the stench of melting flesh. This was the most horrific thing I'd ever seen. Nothing in The Walking Dead could of prepared me for this.

When there was nothing left but ashes, I turned the fire off. I then sprayed water over it and washed some down into the river while others stayed on shore. At least this way it'd be harder to find out that it was a body.

I was brushing my hands off when I heard the rustling of footsteps and a voice.

"Are you okay Miss?"

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