The sleepover..

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You wake up abruptly as you get a kick in the face by Tommy's shoe and you realize you guys still had your regular clothes on. "Ow!" you say as you sit up relising Tommy, in his sleep, just kicked you in the face. You wake up at 1:30 pm relising Sadie said the sleepover was starting at around 2 pm, "fuuuuckkkk I need to get ready" you sleepily say as you get off of Tommy's bed. Tommy half asleep says "ooh youu leavin byyeeee loovee youu" you felt butterflies but you thought 'he was half asleep he didnt mean it he probably ment it in like 'I love you like a sister' kinda way are you dumb!' the butterlies went away as quickly as they came. You get to your house and take a shower, you check the wether and find an outfit suitable.

 You get to your house and take a shower, you check the wether and find an outfit suitable

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(this is your outfit)

You put on a white long sleeve shirt, your san francisco crop top and some black skinny jeans. You usally dont wear skinny jeans but they seemed for formal than all the other pants you had. You once again failed at making a outfit suitable for the wether out that day seeing it was very cold out. You look for a jacket to wear but you keep gravitating to that dark green nike hoodie that you still havent given back yet. You sigh grabbing the dark green hoodie and putting it on, You put on your white shoes and grab your backpack that you put all your clothes in and head out the door. You walk to Sadie's house because she is only a block away.

You knock on Sadies door as you hope she didnt give you the wrong adress, as you where about to ring the doorbell as you where standing out in the cold for a couple minutes now the door finally opens and a man around your dad's age greets you as you are invited inside. You put down your bag with everybody elses then you where brought upstairs into Sadie's room where you saw about 10 other girls in your class and Sadie. Sadie stands up and hugs you 'I guess she is a hugger' she lets you go from her bone crushing hug and you just sit and hang out for a while.
A couple hours go by and everybody just had dinner and you changed into a pair of pajamas keeping on the dark green hoodie and walked back into Sadie's room. "hey (y/n)" a girl named paige snapped at you "What?" you ask "are you dating Tommy? don't lie because that's his hoodie and it smells like him!" "What no! we are just VERY close friends he gave it to me because I was cold!" "hmm ok" said the girls "What?" you asked the girls confused because it seemed that they where not convinced "well" one of girls said knowingly "You guys are always together and you have on his hoodie!" all the girls practically shouted at you "He clearly likes you!!" you blush as you try to tell them he doesnt "Well its pretty obvius he does do you even see the way he looks at you? I am in the classes you have together and I see that he practically stares at you the entire class!" Sadie exclaimed, "Well-" you tried to argue but it was no use. you groaned and floped back onto your back, 'Does he really like me?' you think as you feel butterflies creep into your stohmach but you let them stay, you didnt mind anymore, because, you relised that you liked Tommy.
Woaahhhh (y/n) relised that she likes Tommy 😱 does he even like her back? You guys will find out tomorrow buhh byeeee!

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