return of a great evil

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(a/n: hey guys, mewtwo here to welcome you to a new system, super hero time, yes, it's just an excuses to use the super hero time openings, but when you see the super hero time openings, expect a coinciding kamen rider to be updated afterwards, so for this, decade will be worked on, each chapter will end with an outro...except this one because one does not exist, anyway, enjoy)

it was a bright peaceful day in remnant,  kids playing with their toys, one was playing with a baseball, until, creatures came out of a wall crack and killed the kid...or so they thought, a small red lion tackled them before flying back to a man wearing a red vest

???: Ippitsu Sōjō

the person then gets covered in smoke, the sound of a drum beating can be heard, after a while, the smoke cleared to reveal

the person then gets covered in smoke, the sound of a drum beating can be heard, after a while, the smoke cleared to reveal

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red guy: shinken red...going forth

???2: gedosho, be afraid, for this is the current head of the shiba clan and soon to be shogun of remnant, report this back to your boss or shogun, and be ready to face his wrath for he-

shinkenred: jii, they get it

jii: sorry my lord

shinkenred then charges at the gedosho and slashes them with his sword, taking them down one by one, the gedosho spewing blue blood, eventually there all taken down, shinken red then reverts back to his normal form

shiba: jii, i'm heading back

jii: yes lord y/n

the screen then cuts inhalf to show this 

(have to get the op in somehow)

location: dance stage

we see a man practicing an ancient form of dance, this man is a kabuki dancer named ryunosuke schnee

ryunosuke: SUUUUHA! YAKA!

jacques: ryunosuke, you know your the chosen one of us

ryunosuke: y-yeah, i know that dad

jacques: well, be ready to make this your last, just in case

jacques then hands ryunosuke a hexagon with a blue kanji of water on it

location change: a house on patch

we see a women with pink highlights and black hair sweeping the floor, this is mako xaio-long

ruby: MAKO!

mako: what is it ruby?

ruby: mom has something for you

summer: ruby, don't spoil the suprise

mako: mom, what is it

summer: this

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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