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I just wanna let it all out

But there's no one to turn to

I just wanna scream it and shout

But I don't wanna let you

Know that my doubt

Is not anything new

Because I don't want you going about

Telling everyone in your view

I've tried writing it down

But it's still not satisfying

I've tried holding back my frown

And keep on denying

But I'm probably a clown

for ever even trying

I just want to leave town

Before I start crying

There's no one to soothe the ache in my chest

Because everyone has left me in the dust

I'm just going to give it a rest

Because I know that one day it will be a must

And this makes me really stressed

That there's no one out there to trust

Only if I had you by my side

Knowing you won't tell a single soul

Only if I had you here to hide

My burning anger that gets out of control

And how I wish when I cried

I had you here to console

But you decided we should divide

And now there's no one here for that role

Little did I know that you went behind my back

Even before you decided our friendship should end

Like you befriended me just to attack

And I let you in and thought you were my friend

I thought I could trust you but turns out you were that plaque

That had to be removed but I just can't comprehend

Because if you try and look at this in a stack,

No one can just be your friend to make it end

End of poem

✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

A/N that you don't have to read:

There's no trust in this world again

There's more meaning to what I put down, but I'm too lazy to explain

if you know what I mean or understand what happened, good job and It could have explained more on its own but I didn't want to make it too long

At the beginning, I was actually kind of like making it into a song cause it was going well but the the lines kept getting longer so it was like a song gone wrong

Haha, this all rhymed, almost didn't realize

Feel free to pm me if you didn't get the end..which I doubt you didn't but yeah and also this last part didn't rhyme but it already rhymed like thrice

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