"It's not an obligation. We did only when you decided to"

"Me?.. You told me to discontinue my masters, I did. You told me to marry Ajith, I did. You told me to adjust all those terrible days. Im still doing it. But you never told me how to overcome the pain that I'm facing now because of all the things you told me to, ma," liya said.

Liya stood up and went inside the room and bolted.

She continues, "Since childhood, you taught me how to be an excellent housewife, how to get a good name from mother-in-law, how to do all the household works. But you know what is actually needed here? Do you know what I learned here?," liya said in her top most voice.

"Calm down, liya"

But she continued, "You know what I learned," she stressed the point again. "Being good is not difficult. Expecting others to say we are good is what makes that difficult!."

"That's how it will be in the beginning, liya."

"Beginning? It's been five long years, ma. I almost forgot who I Am. I don't know whether I'm good or bad. No matter how hard I do, no one is getting satisfied here. Does it mean that I'm not good ma? That's what you taught me right?"

"You are good, liya. I know. We all know"

"I'm not feeling like it anymore, ma. When I come to know that Radha cried late from Ajith in the hospital, you know how it feels like. It felt like as if someone stabs you deep into your heart. Is that a reward for being good?. Don't I have the right to know that?" She paused.," There is no point blaming Ajith. He too was brought up like the way I did. "She said consoling herself.

Preethi didn't utter a word.

"See, even now you are not telling me to talk against them. And also, you will not come and talk for your daughter. Because you already done all your obligations, and I belong to another family now. It's like I'm your daughter, but not anymore. And if I ask you why?, You'll say, that's how we are supposed to be. Then you'll talk about traditions, cultures and philosophy," said liya.


"We are the cause for everything. And I can see that effect in Radha, ma "liya said.

"STOP IT!!, liya. What are you saying?"

"Touch your heart and say that you remember nothing when Radha is 6 months in the womb," liya said.

"Liya, how can that be?........."

Liya ended the call. Every night the guilt of what happened during that 6 months is killing her alive. She doesn't want to remind it again. She doesn't want to think about it again.

"Ma?" Avi knocked the door.

She quickly wiped off her tears and opened the door with a perfect fake smile.

He is keenly watching radha's each step. He noticed something unusual in her walking when she entered the room with liya and Ajith. They took their respective seats in front of them.

"Ive heard about you from general physician and ortho specialist. Let me see the reports," he said.

He is that chief doctor suggested by others. Dr. Padmanaban. Neuro specialist.

After analysing the report, he looked at Radha and asked, "what is your name?".

She looked at him for seconds and did not answer.

"Radha" liya said for her.

"Let her tell" he said, now looking again at Radha.

She looked at her mom, who is now staring at her fiercely.

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