8) the Hooded figure

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Jamie woke up looked around the room and noticed that Milly wasn't there. He quickly got out of bed, got dressed, and brushed his hair and teeth. Jamie wandered around town and saw; towns folk selling flowers, kids walking around, women in windows hanging clothes (not trying to be sexist!), smoke coming out of chimneys, and trees slightly blowing in the wind. He wandered for a few more minutes before seeing Milly at a fountain with some other girls braiding her hair with flowers.

"Oh hey sleepy head!"

"Morning to you to"

"So your excited to get rid of a beast?"

"Not exactly"

"Well to bad, we already told them we would! So when should we go?"

"I was hopping we could go tomorrow, so I can look around town more and get used to weapons, I can't remember the last time I used a weapon other then a knife"

"Good point. But what if the beast comes again tonight?"

"You have a point, let's just say it does we'll help protect the village, boom plan settled"

"Ok I guess, run along girls, me and Jamie are gunna look around town" the girls got up and ran away giggling. "So do you like my hair?"

"It suits you!"


"So what do you want to do first?"


                                        ~~~~~ after doing most of the stuff in town ~~~~~

"Wow. That was exhausting"

"I agree"

"So, what was your favorite thing?"

"It was probably either making bread, picking flowers, or making maple syrup! You?"

"I don't know, maybe training with the swords and bow n' arrows"

"So what weapon are you gunna use? Sword and bow?"

"Yeah probably, also are you gunna help me or just watch me probably die?"

"I'll help if you need it but you survived all that time in the woods alone I think you can do it"

Wait, I never told her about me living in the woods. How does she do these things...

"Well I'm going to train more before we go to bed"

"But you where training so much today!"

"Well my aim on the bow could use some work and also I want to practice more of using the terrain to my advantage since I'm so used to fighting in the woods it will be different fighting in a cave or whatever I'm fighting it in"

"Ok well good luck I'm just gonna wonder around the town more"


Jamie dabs the sweat off of his forehead with a damp towel. "Wow who new that sword fighting, arrow shooting, and parkouring ( wait is that even a word?? Well it is now!) was so tiresome, oh wait I did. Wow it got dark I probably should get some rest so I can at least look good when I die" Jamie starts walking back to his "hut" but is stopped as a hooded figure drops down from who knows where and says "don't judge a book by its cover, there's always a peaceful way to solve things. Remember these things tomorrow" and with that the hooded figure disappears in a puff of mist. "What the hell was that!? And who was that? And what did he mean by 'don't judge a book by its cover, there's always a peaceful way to solve things. Remember these things tomorrow' do they know I'm fighting the monster? Maybe I just imagined that I'm tired probably just hallucinating." Jamie walked the rest of the way back to his hit in confusion wondering what the hooded figure meant by what they said.

"Ahh your finally back" said Milly, "What took you so long, did you just not notice the time? You know tomorrow's a big day so you better get sleep"

"Yeah I know I got held up by a cloaked figure who told me some things"

"Oh? What did they says?"

"don't judge a book by its cover, there's always a peaceful way to solve things. Remember these things tomorrow"

"Hmm, maybe there trying to say that the beast may not be such a monster?"

"Maybe. I don't know let's just get some sleep, goodnight"


Sorry it's not that long lately I just haven't been to inspired to write this book, are you guys enjoying it or should I stop writing it?

Also if your still readings this who do you ship Jamie with, Milly or Clara? also who do you think the hooded figure was, and last but not least why do you think Milly is being so suspicious?

Well with that, good bye my sirens and have a good day or night :3

Stay safe


Word count: 770

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