Field Trip, pt 2 ✓

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After his debate about thermodynamics with half the employees present, Peter was unfortunate enough to see FitzSimmons, Bobbi Morse, Tony, Daisy, Bruce, Shuri and Hope Van Dyne walk into the cafeteria heading straight for the group of people he was talking to. He started to try to sneak back to his class, but was spotted.
"Aren't you meant to be in school kid?" Daisy smirked, her team liked seeing her mischievous side pop up around him and so did he, but right now it was going to cause disaster - and she knew what she was doing. He stopped in his tracks, hoping to not get noticed.
"Peter? What are you doing out of school? And why didn't Friday tell us you got back?" Bruce asked. If Peter wasn't terrified, he sure as hell was now.
"She must have glitched." He answered, relying on the training with his mum to get him through this.
"I'm not buying it." Hope mumbled.
"Does Romanoff know you're skipping?" Bobbi asked, head tilted and eyebrow raised cheekily. He gawked at her - she was joining in the trouble making.
"Wh-why would Miss Romanoff need to know. I'm just an intern." He was panicked now - so much for being trained to be a spy, this made Bobbi and Daisy smirk more. "Uh, it was nice seeing you. I'll get back now."
"No you won't. Why are you here Pete?" Tony demanded.
"A, uh, a school trip. It's, uh, it's not a big deal Mr Stark."
"Mr Stark? You haven't called me that in a very long time." The older man smirked, Peter was surprised Shuri hadn't said anything but by the gleam in her eyes she was planning to.
"Uh, bye guys." He walked away before they could say anything else. He could hear the girl's snickering. Shuri followed and plopped herself down next to Ned, opposite MJ.

"You excited for the Q&A?" She asked, stealing a fry from Peter's plate.
"Not really, Peter lives here and I come over all the time. I'm sure Ned is though."
"We get to see real life superheroes!" The boy exclaimed, Shuri looked pointedly at Peter.
"Does he know?"
"That I'm-" Peter shot his hand out like Spider-Man. "Yeah, he knows." He smiled awkwardly.
"Okay. You aren't going to ask for embarrassing Peter stories? It's my favourite thing to do while here." Shuri chuckled.
"Shuuuuriiiii." Peter whined.
"I would talk more but Stark's beckoning me over so I have to go. See ya later." Surprisingly enough, noone said anything about the incident and the classes ate on in silence.


The Q and A was less easy.

After way too many elevator trips due to how many kids were there, they were herded into a large conference room. The table had been removed and instead benches had been set up along one wall so the kids could sit there. Once everyone was situated, they began talking among themselves. It didn't take long before everyone Peter knew came in.

Tony, Pepper and Rhodey flew in in their iron suits; Wanda, Vision, Hope, Thor, Peter Q, Daisy, Sam and Carol joined them as all ten came in through the window. Natasha, Maria, May, Bucky, Clint, Valkyrie, Gamora and Bobbi dropped down from the vents and landed in identical poses. Hunter, Elena and Coulson jogged in with Steve and T'Challa. Fury walked in, unamused, behind them with Nebula and agent Triplett. Drax blundered in laughing, Rocket and Mantis behind them and Groot on his shoulder, all three also chuckling. Bruce, FitzSimmons, Shuri and Mack walked in taking about some machine or another. Loki slithered in as a snake, before transforming right in front of the class and scaring the shit out of them. Scott also flew through the window on an ant before growing to full size at the same time as Hope.

To say the class was impressed and awed would be an understatement. Steve, Tony, Peter Q, Fury and Coulson took lead. MJ made a sly comment about none of the women being classed as leaders. Peter looked at Maria, Daisy, Gamora and Pepper in confusion they were all leaders too.

"Hi, I'm Captain America, leader of the Avengers."
"I pay for everything and make everyone look cool." Tony said as his introduction making the teens chuckle.
"I'm Peter Quill. It's unlikely any of you know me or my team as we operate in deep space. I'm in charge of the Guardians of the Galaxy as we've been called."
"That you named us." Gamora fake coughed and said under her breath. Everyone laughed.
"I'm Fury, this is Coulson. We have both been Directors of SHIELD." That got a few wary looks, understandably. It wasn't exactly a secure organisation anymore.
"And this is your superhero question and answer time." Coulson finished.

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