Sister ✓

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"Hey Peter, we have something to tell you." Maria said as she and Natasha walked in.
"Okay, what's up?" Peter spun on his chair to face them, Natasha laughed as the desk chair spun seven times before stopping facing the wrong direction, Peter huffed and pulled himself around.
"We're going to adopt Wanda, we know she's sixteen and thinks she doesn't need anyone, but -" Natasha started once she'd stopped laughing at her son.
"She sees you two as parents so I think she'd like that. When are you gonna tell her?" The thirteen year old asked. He still hadn't really connected with Maria, but Wanda was his best friend and Natasha was his only family - he was happy, but knew that getting an older sister would change a lot, so he remained placid, just like his training had taught him to do.
"We were hoping you would tell her." Natasha sat with him.
"Really?" He couldn't hide the joy in his tone this time.
"Yeah kiddo." He ran out the room before she even finished, Natasha and Maria followed.

"Wanda! Wanda!" He ran around looking for the older teen. "Wanda!"
"Woah, where's the fire?" Wanda stopped in front of him, apple in hand.
"MamaandMariaaregoingtoadoptyousoyou'rereallymysisternow! How cool is that?"
"Probably really cool but you spoke so fast I didn't hear any of it." She laughed, Maria and Natasha finally caught up.
"You have to ask her Pete, not tell her."
"Right. Wanda, do you want to be my older sister?" He asked hopefully.
"You already are my little brother." The brunette ruffled the boy's hair - they were almost the same height so it looked a little awkward, but Pete huffing and shaking his head was worth it.
"No, officially." Wanda tilted her head. "Can Mama adopt you?" The poor boy had been bouncing on the spot the whole time he had been talking and finally stopped while worriedly waiting for her answer. The witch glanced up at the two adults smiling at them and then back at Peter.
"I'd love to be your big sister." Peter jumped up and hugged her tight while everyone chuckled happily.


A year later the adoption papers finally came through. Pepper said they needed an official family photo, so the four huddled in close and Laura took the picture. Peter had his arm over Wanda's shoulders - the seventeen year old was not happy that they were the same height - Wanda kissed his cheek, Maria stood behind Natasha and wrapped her arms around her, resting her chin on the red-head's shoulder while Natasha rested her hand on Peter's shoulder. All of them had the photo somewhere important; Maria had it on her desk at work, Peter on his desk in his room, Natasha didn't have a desk at SHIELD anymore but had the photo put up in the Avengers common room and on her bedside cabinet, and Wanda had it on the wall next to a picture of her and Pietro as children - the only two pictures in her room.

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