(2)Peter? ✓

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Peter loved swinging around the city, stopping crime and helping people out. He hadn't been able to anywhere near as much with the secret search for Maria and helping his mum cope but Wanda said she'd take care of Natasha for the day so he could go out and be Spiderman. The Avengers didn't know his secret identity, other than Wanda, so they said he was going to his friends house.

He was swinging around in the suit he'd made in Tony's lab - very high tech - and enjoying the feeling of falling when he saw a group of men, armed to the teeth, harassing a young woman. He swooped in and got the girl out but was slowly loosing to the men.
"Karen, call Wanda." The AI in his suit immediately dialed his sister's number.
"Hey, so, I need help but no-one else knows who I am." He said, not beating around the bush for maybe the first time in his life.
"Where are you?" Peter jumped ten foot in the air and checked the sign across the street.
"Corona Avenue, perpendicular to 99th."
"On the way, I'll be there soon."

Wanda didn't get there soon enough, she walked down the street and found his mask and web shooters in a pool of blood but nothing else. She realised that he got rid of the things that could end up being weapons for the other guys.

How was she going to explain this?


Peter woke up to a dark room and a pressure on his wrists. He tried to pull away but couldn't move. Slowly he opened his eyes to find himself tied up in ropes, dangling in the air with no shirt on and only his boxers covering him up. Oh yeah, I was spidermaning. Tugging at the ropes cutting into his wrists, he ended up spinning around, making him notice he wasn't alone.

There, tied up and half way dead, was Maria Hill.

"Maria?" The boy gasped. "Maria! Wake up!" Groggily, the brunette turned to look at the noise.
"Who's there?"
"Maria? It's me, Peter. Are you okay?" It took Peter a moment to realise why Maria couldn't see him - it was dark, pitch black, no-one would be able to see without night vision goggles, or Spider powers.
"Peter? What are you doing here?" Her voice was hoarse and raspy, like she hadn't used it for much more than screaming for a long time - Peter guessed that was probably true.
"Some guys set me up and kidnapped me. How long have you been here?" He asked, if she'd been moved there was little chance they were going to be moved again, but if not they had a larger chance of a window of escape.
"I don't know, a few weeks?" Unlikely to move again then, unless she didn't know how long she'd been gone.
"You went missing two and a half months ago, have they moved you from one facility to another?" He pushed, he needed as much information as he could if he was going to get them out.
"Peter, I don't know, you need to get out of here." She told him, sounding more like the Maria he knew.
"Not without you." He swung his body up and stuck his bare feet to the ceiling, untying the rope from the structure on the ceiling before dropping down and untying his hands. His mother had trained him since he was young, he knew to use anything he could as a weapon, and rope was certainly a useful tool. Maria was strapped to the chair with metal restraints, leaving Peter to wonder why when he had super strength, but Maria didn't, they were tied up the way they were. He broke the bonds easily and picked her up, sitting them both on the floor behind the chair, giving them a little shelter from the door.
"Maria?" He tried, but the woman was already asleep again. "Right, getting out, okay. I can't leave you here, god you look bad. What did they do to you? It doesn't matter right now, another time. So I have to take you, but carrying you means I can't fight. I could tie you to my back, but what if you fall? I could fireman carry you, but I don't know the damage done, that seems like the best option." He gently threw the older woman over his shoulder, legs over one, arm over another, other arm dangling by his back; rope in hand. But before he could go anywhere beyond the chair, light flooded the room and agents stormed in, guns aimed at him.

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