Game Night ✓

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"Monopoly?" Steve suggested.
"No, last time the table ended up broken." Maria reminded.
"Cards?" Sam asked.
"Wanda always cheats." Bucky complained.
"I don't know what to tell you, but Wanda cheats at every game." Shuri laughed.
"It's not my fault you think so loudly." Wanda grumbled.
"Yeah, Wanda can't help it if you project your thoughts." Peter protected his sister.
"Peter, you didn't forgive her for a week when she read your mind and beat you at cards." Natasha chuckled.
"Snakes and ladders?" Vision questioned.
"Oh, yeah, that sounds good." Clint nodded.

They set up the board and got counters for everyone playing, which was luckily not the whole team. Peter, Shuri, Wanda, Vision, Clint, Sam and Maria played, while the others went in search of more games.
Shuri won, Maria and Vision not far behind, Wanda and the two men were in the middle and Peter was only at square five.

They played games for hours, drank beer (or soda for the three teenagers), ate pizza, and kicked butt at Mario cart. Well, everyone but Steve - who was terrible at the game.

Natasha and Peter won at just dance every time - until Wanda pitted them against each other. It was close, but Peter won by less than a hundred points. Wii fit was much the same.

"What next?" Peter asked, flopping over the back of the sofa.
"Taboo?" Wanda suggested.
"The fact that you can read minds defeats the point of the game." Tony grumbled.
"Aww, are you a sore looser?" Peter loved when Wanda got sassy towards the adults, he didn't in fear of rejection but Wanda was part of the team so clearly didn't feel that worry. Or, in Peter's eyes anyway.
"What about charades?" Maria asked.
"Same problem." Sam reminded.
"Pictionary?" Natasha offered.
"Same problem." Clint grumbled.
"It's only a problem because you make it one." Wanda huffed.
"Okay, Snap?" Peter suggested.
"What?" Steve asked.
"The card game. Snap?" Peter reiterated.
"We'd have like two cards each." Tony pointed out.
"Not if we use multiple decks." Peter pulled four decks of cards from his hoodie pockets.
"Where did they come from?" Scott gasped.
"My pocket." The brown haired boy laughed.

The ended up playing snap for hours, with three different variations - Egyptian Rats, Irish Snap and red tens. Peter was good, half because he subconsciously counted cards, and half because he had played the game the most.

Once the game fizzled out, Peter challenged Natasha.
"Hey mama? I bet I can do a handstand for longer than you." The boy puffed out his chest in a dramatic effort to look bigger.
"Okay, but I won't go easy on you, you aren't five anymore." They walked to a clear area of the room, foregoing the wall.
"Three." Maria started.
"Two." Wanda carried on.
"Handstand!" Clint called, the two simultaneously performed a perfect handstand and kept still in the air. The group was taking bets, Tony was sure Natasha would win but Wanda insisted that her scrawny little brother would. No one else had that much confidence in Peter - they knew Natasha well, but Wanda knew that Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and now had super strength, enhanced agility, and an unnerving ability to stay completely still (which he didn't use enough in her opinion). Maria refrained from betting, she knew of Peter's super powers (she had over heard Peter and Wanda talking and had been brought into the stupid idea of hiding it from Natasha) but didn't want to give it away.

Ten minutes passed before Natasha gave in, arms trembling and form slipping. Her feet gracefully touched the floor as she stood up, shaking.
"Pete? You good there?" The boy looked almost asleep and jumped when Wanda spoke to him causing him to fall to a heap on the floor.
"Yup, all good." He spoke from his pile of body parts.
"Alright, it's almost two in the morning, bed time for both of you." Maria nudged them towards the doors.
"I'm three years older, I should be allowed to stay up after Peter." Wanda grumbled, Natasha kissed the side of her head and pushed her through the doors Peter had already stumbled through.

A/N: If anyone has any requests, go ahead and ask. I'll see if I can fit them in anywhere.

Mama Nat [On Hold]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें