XXXI. Breaking Down Walls

Start from the beginning

With a confused expression, Faith thought over for a moment. "No, I don't and never did. Except maybe Tyler, but it was more of a childhood crush-slash-friends with benefits even though we dated."

"I look at you like I fancy you, Faith," Klaus admitted with a smirk. "So I'm asking if you fancy me?" When the siphoner stayed quiet, Klaus stood up from the couch. "You don't have to answer right away. Take your time."

Once he left the room, it took Faith a while to process what the hybrid had told her. Klaus. Fancies her? Like, likes her?

She felt her heart pound against her ears and the tips of her ears heating up. It felt weird. She never felt anything like that. In a sense, Faith was innocent when it comes to love. It kind of happens when you don't get any parent love growing up and never able to see a stable romantic relationship.

"What the bloody hell?" Faith blurted out as she looked up in the direction Klaus had left.

• • • •

"Did you know?" Faith questioned Rebekah as she stormed into the Original's room.

"Know what?" Rebekah asked.

"That your brother likes me," Faith went on.

"I see, he finally confessed," Rebekah remarked before turning around to look at the siphoner. "And of course I knew. I told you when we were in Chicago. That's the reason why he bought you that dress."

"What do I do?" Faith started to panic. "I never actually loved anyone like that. I know friendship, sibling-love, which is ironic since I'm an only child and sex! But I know nothing about romantic feelings, Rebekah! I skipped like a million steps!"

"Oh, sweetheart," Rebekah grabbed hold of the siphoner and pulled her to sit down on her bed to calm her down. "Good thing, you have me. I'm an expert on falling in love."

"Isn't that a bad thing?" Faith retorted. "Didn't you get your heart broken like a thousand times?"

"Now isn't the time to judge, Faith," the blonde vampire remarked. "How did you feel when my brother confessed?"

Faith shrugged as she could feel her ears turning red. "I don't know. Flustered? My heart was pounding and my ears were warm. He left the fucking room before I could say anything."

"How would you feel if Klaus were to date that blonde skank?" Rebekah questioned. She glanced down at her hands holding Faith's with a smirk. The siphoner's grip tightened slightly before relaxing.

"I don't know," Faith hesitated. "Angry like I want to snap Caroline's neck a couple of times, but not kill her. I mean, she hasn't actually done anything to me. She's probably the only one I like other than Damon."

"And people think you're a monster," Rebekah mumbled to herself at Faith's response. Despite what the Mystic Falls gang think, Faith doesn't actually kill or hurt anyone unless they've done something to her or they're threatening the people she cares about, whether they're good or bad.

"That's called jealousy, sweetheart," Rebekah pointed out. "You might not know it, but you obviously care about Nik more than you think you do."

It became silent as the Original let her words sink in on the siphoner. Suddenly hearing something, Rebekah turned her attention to the door, catching Faith's attention.

"What's wrong?" Faith asked.

"Stefan has come to play the hero," Rebekah smirked.

• • • •

"You know she's right," Faith walked inside the room after Rebekah left Klaus alone after their small spat. Rebekah didn't allow the siphoner to leave her room until after Stefan had left with Damon which Faith was thankful for. She did a lot of thinking in that room. "Despite everything, Finn was still your brother, Klaus."

"I already had enough of bantering for one day, love," Klaus grumbled. "I don't feel like arguing with you."

Faith raised an eyebrow. "Really now? Well, too bad, Klaus. However, let me ask you this? If Finn was a lovesick fool, then what are you?"

"Using my love for you to argue now?" Klaus looked at the siphoner. Her blue shined as she looked up at him. "Have you realized you love me?"

"Changing the subject? Okay. Cocky, but fine," Faith shrugged as she stepped closer to the hybrid, leaving only a few inches of space between them. "If I'm being honest, Klaus, I wouldn't think us together would work out. You're controlling and like to be in charge with no one defying you. Whereas I don't like being controlled not after being controlled my whole life."

She looked back up at him. "I've never loved anyone, romantically, I have a five-year-old daughter and I'm only eighteen with no high school diploma. I'm called an abomination by witches."

Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around the hybrid's neck. Klaus looked deeply into her mesmerizing blue eyes as he felt her breath close to his lips. "How, when, and why you love me is beyond me. But you make me feel safe. Safer than I ever felt around anyone, even Elijah. I feel so happy around you and when you feel sad, angry, or confused, I want to be able to make you happy like you make me and to be that person you talk to freely and let me listen. I want to be loved by you and I want to love you."

"And I think I do," Faith whispered. "If loving you is wanting to be by your side. To make you happy. To be your family. Having someone to talk to. To be together even while knowing our bad sides. Then yeah, I guess I do love you. I do fancy you."

Immediately, Klaus wrapped his arms around Faith's waist, pulling her closer until there was no space between them. Dark blue-green eyes looked for anything that would tell him if she was lying. Anything before he allowed the siphoner to break the walls he built around him for years. Before he gave his heart and trust, wholeheartedly to her.

He found none. And he did the one thing he's been wanting to do since that one summer moment.

He placed his lips on hers.

• • • •
Did I rush this? Definitely
Do I regret it? Yes...
Am I going to change it? Idk

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