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"look, there she is" a loud roar of disgusting laughter rolled out across the garden.

it was no wonder that to whomthose raw words were directed. the girl with long black hair, doey eyes, and pale skin clutched the straps of her bags on her shoulders out of humiliation. she knew what was on her way.

"little girl. so, are you going to the pub outta city today?" one of the girl questioned. Though they knew very well that she was not their type but who cares? it's been years bullying her.

"cat got your tough or what" the other girl spoke bitterly. they were good at moking her. better than her in many ways. but they finds happiness in bullying her outside or inside the school.they thinks they look cool which is not at all.

however she nod her head with her eyes lowered to the ground and said, "no"

and it made them laugh again. "oh I forget every time. you cannot go anywhere alone, above that you don't have any boyfriend and also you will just look out of place there" said the other girl.

"she will NOT look out of place and I assure you she will go there. she has a boyfriend too" an angry voice snapped from her back. "so next time you bully her,you all got me to deal with. mind it"

she turned back to look at the source and came in face with her class mate. he is the captain of the school football team. girls drooled over him and boys were jealous.

she had something towards him too but just not like others. His dark brown eyes always shining like the bright sun above, hair always out of place. it made him look even more delicious to girls- their words not her. His olive skin added in his beauty, and had a clear cut out face. he was so charming that by looking at him, her day used to get more beautiful itself. poor girl, she didn't even know what having a crush on someone means. or is it love?

the girls kept quite and went on their own way. they better knew to deal with the most handsome boy of the school.

nevertheless she knew her place. though she had something for the guy standing there and came to her rescue, she knew better not to think something otherwise. it could be a sympathetic action. who cares what happens to this girl? no one cares. she knew better than expect anything from anyone.

"hey, can I not get a thank you?" the boy came to her side in a stride.

he extended his hand "by the way I am-"

she stopped walking to show some courtesy to him, who at least thought she was eligible to be a piece of his sympathy and looked his way with an angry face.

"LISTEN. thank you for saving me there. but I could manage that. it happens everyday so it's not a problem. and I don't like that you lied to them. they knew it was a lie. nobody cares for someone so muted. but I could have helped myself out" she said in a single breath.

"you have a sweet voice. do you sing?" he stated.

'is he kidding? why is he talking out of context?' she thought

"just go" with that she resumed her journey towards the school gate.

"but you need to go with me"

"where?" she asked stopping in her tracks.

"to the pub they are talking about. don't ask me why, as you can see, I kind of challenged them and i don't like to loose" he smirked "so you are coming with me and I will be your boyfriend for today"

"please don't tell me, you are in the missing rejister of some asylum"

a loud laughter rolled out of his mouth. clutching his chest, he leaned down slightly to stop himself from laughing that hard. she didn't want to confess that she liked the sound of it.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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