Gender Reveal Party!

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Nurse:The gender of the babies are two boys!
Zabdiel:Oh my god!!! Ok thank you for telling me! Goodbye.
Zabdiels POV
I just got off the phone with the nurse and she said that Erick and y/n are gonna have two boys!! I'm assuming they told me so because I could actually keep a secret unlike Chris🙄. Ok now all I have to do is tell everyone that we need to start decorating for the party.
Zabdiel:Guys listen up! I know that gender of the babies.
Zabdiel:Yes y/n is having twins!
Zabdiel:Yeah by the way,we need to start decorating like NOW! They'll be home in an hour or so.
While everyone else is setting up the food and the little stuff we have to do,I am filling up the balloons with the color of the gender.
Me and Erick are talking with our friends until Zabdiel announces that it's time for us to pop the balloons. I'm honestly nervous to see what the babies are gonna be. I'm fine with whatever but it's nerve racking.
Jazz:Ok gather around people before I drag your asses over here!😂
Richard:Chill babe😂
Saraí:Ok calm down you cheesy fucks, y/n and Erick,it's time to pop the balloons!!
Our friends did a count down,when they got to one,me and Erick both closed our eyes and popped the balloons. Oh my god,BLUE CONFETTI WERE HAVING TWIN BOYS!! Christopher is jumping up and down,Erick is actually crying,and I'm crying too.
Erick picks me up and starts spinning me around,he then kisses me. Even though I knew everyone was watching,it felt it was just the two of us in the room. After the ballon popping we all just started to talk more and people were congratulating us.Everything was going well until someone came uninvited.
Chanel:Wow babe so you're really not gonna invite me to your gender reveal party?
Erick:Who are you calling babe?
Chanel:Pfft not you. I'm talking to Joel.
Joel and Erick:What?
Joel:I would never date someone like you!
Chanel:That's not what you said last night baby.
Joel:I didn't say anything last night! I don't even have your number!
Erick:Chanel I don't know what the fuck you're doing here but,you need to leave now.
Chanel:You're STILL picking her over me?! Oh that's it! I'm coming for you y/n! I'm coming for you and your baby!!
When she said that,I actually got scared because who knows what this psycho bitch is capable of? Erick saw the worried expression on my face so he came and told me not to worry and that he'll make sure that me and the baby are safe 24/7. He then said that if anything actually happens,my girlfriends would most likely jump her and the guys well,they'd help😂. That honestly made me feel a bit better but,I don't know. The party is over so everyone went back to their house,me and Erick stayed up late because we were still thinking about what Chanel said. Eventually we fell to sleep but I woke up to a bang that sounded like it was coming from downstairs.
Me:Babe,wake up!
Erick:Hmm,que paso mi amor?
Me:I heard a noise from downstairs.
Erick:Don't worry about it babe,it was most likely my mom. Do you need anything because I'll go downstairs if you do.
Me:I'm good thank you babe. And ok I'll try to go back to sleep,sorry for waking you up.
Erick:Don't worry about it mami,and goodnight.
I waited until Erick feel back to sleep. I'm sorry but there's no way in hell that was Ericks mom. I slowly tried to get up but,these babies decided to kick me so I let out a little scream. Luckily,Erick didn't wake up. I go downstairs making sure no one saw me. While I'm walking towards the kitchen,I see a black figure moving around. I don't know where it came from but there was a enough light for me to make out the face. I saw it was Chanel! Once I noticed it was her,I tried to run but she knocked me out with something and I woke up in a hospital.
Is y/n ok? Did Chanel get caught? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

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