graham greene

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"spencer, please take giannas hand and repeat after me." spencer grabbed her hand. "gianna, i take you as you, loving who you are. i promise from this day forward to be great full for our love and our life. to be generous with my time, my energy and my affection. to be patient with you and with myself. to fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter. to inspire you to grow as an individual. to love you completely. these things i promise to
you." spencer repeated.

"gianna, please take spencer's hand and repeat after me." gianna took his hand. "spencer, i take you as you, loving who you are. i promise from this day forward to be great full for our love and our life. to be generous with my time, my energy and my affection. to be patient with you and with myself. to fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter. to inspire you to grow as an individual. to love you completely. these things i promise to
you." she repeated.

"please present the rings." the minister said. emily gave gianna one, morgan gave reid one. "your wedding ring is a symbol of your promise to one another. the ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, never ending love." he turned to gianna.

"spencer, as you place this on giannas finger,  repeat these words after me." the minister said. "this ring symbolizes my love for you and the commitments we made today." reid repeated. the minister turned to gianna "gianna, as you place this on spencer's finger, repeat these words after me." the mister said. "this ring symbolizes my love for you and the commitments we made today." she repeated.

"gianna and spencer, you have come here today of your own free will and in the presence of family and friends, have declared your love and commitment to each other. you have given and received a ring as a symbol of your promises. by the power of your love" the mister started. again reid looked to inform him on power of love, gianna gave him another look and they just giggled. "and by the power invested in me, i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may now kiss the bride." they smiled brightly.

reid kissed her, she kissed back. they could hear the cheers behind them. once they finished their kiss "i love you spencer." "i love you gianna." she blushed. they walked down the aisle morgan yelled "FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, MR AND MRS PRETTY BOY!!" they laughed while walking down the aisle.

they ate for a bit watching the pink and purple sunset. gianna laid her head on reid shoulder. it was time to dance, reid pulled her on the dance floor. she laid her head on his chest. gianna dances with her dad. "now you can come to me if you ever break up." he said. "dad. we're not." she laughed. "okay okay." he paused "you really like him don't you?" she blushed "i think just a little dad, you know being married and pregnant." he laughed. "alright. he does seem like a good man. as long as you're happy, i'm happy." she hugged him.

everyone got on the dance floor. they danced the night away. it was a slow song, hotch was dancing with gianna. they looked over to the right and saw alessia and jack dancing. "never seen people so in love without knowing it." gianna laughed. "i have." hotch smiled at her.


gianna was sleeping in her bed when her stomach started to hurt. she woke up and realized, she's going into labor. "oh come on." she got up. reid woke up. "what?" he groaned. "come on, the baby is coming." she laughed, he woke up completely. "what!" she smiled and he kissed her. gianna woke alessia up and told her the news. reid called the team, she got to the hospital.

they got into a room, gianna was still sleepy. "you're ready." the doctor said. the team left the room so she could deliver the baby. alessia left, emily and reid were in there. gianna was pushing and pushing. finally maeve came out. the doctor handed the baby to gianna. "she's beautiful." gianna said. "look she's got reid's eyes." they giggled.

the team came in. they passed her around, "hey babygirl." morgan said softly. they all laughed. "so what's her name?" jj asked. "maeve diana reid."

a story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead. - graham greene

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