Lips of an Angel Chapter 8

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We moved... we moved far away. I didn't want Caimen to find out that I had a child. I didn't want Caimen to find out that she could be his. We moved to the beach, about an hour from my parents house. I wanted to be far enough away that he wouldn't find me but close enough that my parents could still see her. I didn't want to pick up and leave my family, but I had to. I had to make sure for the protection of me, my daughter, and Josh that he woudn't see us.

Spring came and left, then it was summer. And, I knew living at the beach would be interesting because we could see all the people that were on vacation. And I was completely right, between the highly intoxicated seniors on senior week, to the retired elderly that came for the car shows and walks on the boardwalks it was a pretty interesting time. Brooklyn, Josh, and I would walk down there from time to time, let Brooke see the waves crash and build sand castles in the sand.

Then, just as summer was about to be over, Josh, Brooke, and I were eating lunch on the boardwalk as Caimen walked by with his new "fling". He didn't notice I was there at first, I was glad when he walked by without so much as a glance. Josh realized who he was and started cringing up. He didn't do anything though since I put my hand on his leg to calm him down. As he walked into the store a few places down from the pizza place we were at I grabbed brooke and we headed for the house. Just then I felt a hand grab at a handful of hair and pull me backwards making me fall flat on my butt in front of everyone. I looked up to see a fist coming straight at my face and then the world went black. 

As my vision came back to sight I blinked a few times before I realized blood was dripping from my forehead. My daughter was on the floor playing with a doll, and when I looked up I saw Caiman standing over me. He had a grin on his face only the devil would show. 

"Bitch, why the fuck didn't you tell me my daughter was born"

"Theres a possibilty she's not yours Caiman I didn't tell you because there was no reason to"

"Just like theres no reason for you to breathe?!?!"

And with that, my mind was shut down. My world went black, and my life was gone. I knew when I woke up, if I woke up my daughter would be gone. I didn't know where Josh was, I didn't know where I was for that matter. But I knew wherever I was, thats where I would die. And there was nothing I could do about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2011 ⏰

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